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The WORST Restaurants in Epcot As Chosen by Disney Fans

The WORST Restaurants in Epcot As Chosen by Disney Fans

Every Disney theme park has great dining options to enjoy. Epcot is no exception, but even it is not immune to housing some lackluster locations. We asked and you answered! Check out which restaurants our readers think are the WORST dining locations in all of Epcot!

A Look Back At the BEST Restaurants and Snacks in Disney

Credit: Monica

A little while ago, we asked you to vote for your favorite restaurants in each parkYou can check out who the big winners were in each park below!

If you are looking for some of the best-ranked snacks in each park, you’ll find those here: 

The WORST Restaurants in Epcot

Credit: Susan

Asking “what’s the worst restaurant in Epcot?” may have been one of the more difficult questions of this whole poll series. Epcot is known far and wide by Disney fans as home to some of the best culinary experiences and flavors in all of Walt Disney World. While there are so many excellent options, there are always outliers in every group.

With so many dining options available to guests in Epcot, we want you to know which restaurants Disney fans think are hits and which ones are misses so that you can make an informed decision when planning your next magical getaway!

The Worst Quick Service Locations in Epcot


#3. Refreshment Port – World Showcase

pinocchio village haus dining view
Photo: Disney

In third place for the worst Quick Service location in Epcot is Refreshment Port. Refreshment Port is an easy choice for one of the worst locations in Epcot simply due to its lack of menu options. As it currently stands, there are only three regular menu options offered year round at Refreshment Port: 8-piece Chicken Nuggets with fries, Traditional Poutine, and Soft-served Ice Cream in a Waffle Cone.

While Refreshment Port does sometimes redeem itself with special Festival food dishes, the regular menu is very lackluster. I will never tell you that Disney chicken nuggets are bad. I firmly believe they are delicious, and often my basic quick service food of choice. In Epcot, however, there are so many amazing places to get great food it would be a crime for me to imply this deserves a high ranking.

By all means, if you love Poutine, or happen to pass by during an International Food Festival take a look at the menu, but as far as Disney fans are concerned, this is a “keep on walking” dining location.

#2. Sunshine Seasons – World Nature

Credit: Maggie

I am not going to lie… the ranking for second place hurt my heart a little, but I respect the will of the voters. Shockingly, the runner-up for the worst location in Epcot is Sunshine Seasons in the Land pavilion. I’ll admit that the food at Sunshine Seasons is not always at the top of my list when eating in Epcot simply because I have higher priorities when snacking around the world.

There is, however, a wide variety of food offerings at the Sunshine Seasons which makes it a great option for larger groups. That very reason may also be a deterrent for some guests. 

At busy meal times, it can be hard to find seating and lines at the various food stations could be long. There are also more unique quick service locations around Epcot and if you are not already planning to visit the Land pavilion, it may just be too far out of your way to visit.

That said, I would highly recommend stopping by the bakery case at the Sunshine Seasons next time you are hopping off the Living with the Land ride or Soarin’ as they have some of the best snacks in Epcot.

#1. Lotus Blossom Cafe – China Pavilion

KtP Writer

The “winner” of the worst quick service location in Epcot is the Lotus Blossom Cafe. Now I am a firm supporter of the egg rolls and pot stickers at the Lotus Blossom Cafe, but the rest of the meal offerings are just below average. For guests expecting better quality than their average local Chinese restaurant, they will be severely disappointed especially when there are so many better choices nearby.

Not only is the food underwhelming, but the location is often very crowded. If you happen to get lucky and find a table inside to sit at, you may still find yourself irritated by the noise level.

There are very few soft furniture accents to absorb sound and it can often feel like the noise is bouncing off of every wall. With all these logistical obstacles, it’s a resounding “hard pass” from our readers on this quick service location. To find out which Quick Service locations our readers think are the BEST in Epcot, click HERE!

The Worst Table Service Dining in Epcot

#3. Spice Road Table – Morocco Pavilion

Credit: Maggie

Coming in third place for the worst restaurant in Epcot is Spice Road Table. Spice Road Table has changed quite a bit over the years. It once had a more extensive menu featuring various tapas-style and entree dishes, however now it only offers about a handful of small plates to try. 

For those who are not adventurous eaters, this restaurant is an easy pass. While the open-air atmosphere is quite a lovely break from the afternoon heat and crowds, the food just can’t compare to all the other locations around the World Showcase.

#2. Nine Dragons – China Pavilion

Credit: Susan

In second place is China’s Nine Dragons restaurant. The problem with Nine Dragons isn’t that the food is horrible, it’s that it is just average. Not only is it just average, but it’s very expensive. The restuarant is also quite large inside with dim lighting and can be very noisy. All that combined doesn’t make for great dinner conversation.

Most people find they get better Chinese food at their local eateries and pay a whole lot less for it. If you find yourself a fan of spicier Asian dishes, you will also no doubt be disappointed as most Disney dishes are muted in the spicy/hot department. Also, as with most Chinese cuisine, there are not a whole lot of dessert options offered on the menu.

There is so much potential for the Nine Dragons restaurant and we hope that it will one day become a must-visit location. Chinese food is one cuisine that can please a lot of people because it offers so many flavors and unique dishes.

#1. The Coral Reef Restaurant – World Nature

Credit: Disney

Shocking to probably no one, the number one worst restaurant in all of Epcot, according to our readers, is Coral Reef Restaurant. It’s historically been a low-rated restaurant for many years despite numerous menu overhauls. The Coral Reef Restaurant interior is quite beautiful. It truly feels like you are under the sea and the ability to view the giant aquarium as you dine is pretty unique. However, that is also the problem for some.

I enjoy a good steak, but I also don’t want to eat that steak while sitting out on a farm watching cows graze. Some people find it mentally jarring to be eating seafood while also watching fish and other majestic ocean creatures swim by.

Credit: Susan

Aside from the atmospheric issues, the main reason people don’t like the Coral Reef is that the food is just plain bad. Seafood can be hard to prepare well for a large number of people, but if Red Lobster can make it work, Disney should be able to do the same. Yet, here we are.

Not only is the food at Coral Reef mediocrely executed, but it’s also prepared in a way that is a bit out of some people’s comfort zones. Speaking from a personal experience I had many years ago, I once received a Caesar salad with anchovy eyeballs all over it. Not whole anchovies, not filets, just the eyeballs. It was beyond gag-inducing, and it took us many years to visit again. 

Credit: Susan

After a second attempt years later, we found the food to be no better and the seating situation had become even more congested. With so many amazing restaurants in Epcot, this was an easy “never again” decision. For many people, the Coral Reef Restaurant is a “once and done” location, if that. The restaurant needs a massive overhaul. Unfortunately, until it gets that, Coral Reef will continue to fall to the bottom of the pack.

To find out which Table Service locations our readers think are the BEST in Epcot click HERE!

What do you think of these worst restaurants in Epcot? Do you agree with our readers’ choices? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to check out our other “As Chosen by Disney Fans” articles HERE!

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Wednesday 25th of January 2023

eating at the land peaked in the mid 90s and has gone downhill since then. it's very sad as it is very reminiscent of some of the early cafeteria style places that Disney had.


Monday 23rd of January 2023

Well well well the sorry WOKE youngins have spoken again! When you go to red lobster to eat what is the FIRST THING YOU SEE? Confused???? The LIVE LOBSTER TANK! and bet you order the LOBSTA!!!! You people just can not be satisfied at all with anything Disney then why go! PLEASE DO US A FAVOR stay home!!! We go the all Disney. Locations every month and the only place we do not care for is SKIPPERS Canteen but we ate the food and choose not to go back! You can do the same do us a favor LEAVE

Major Malfunction

Monday 23rd of January 2023

Coral Reef is also ridiculously loud and uncomfortable tiered seating. I get the idea of facing the tank to see the fish, etc; but if you get a table for 6 you can end up with a half moon shaped booth. If you are in the middle, everyone has to get up when you need to get up. And that place is really loud, too. I suspect due to the tiered seating and all the glass that all the noise just bounces around. And strangely for a seafood restaurant surrounded by fish, fish was not even on the menu when I ate there. I'm in Florida but no fresh fish available? Just found that really strange.


Sunday 22nd of January 2023

Agree on all three. Especially Chinese, I li e Chinese, but not here.


Sunday 22nd of January 2023

Love the spice road table. Daniel the bartender is awesome.

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