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A New Baby Rhino Has Been Born In Disney World

A New Baby Rhino Has Been Born In Disney World

A new little one is here! You can see Disney’s newborn rhino right here.

Rhinos, Rhinos Everywhere

Credit: KatieP

Last year on World Rhino Day, Walt Disney World had a special announcement for the world. Not one, not two, but three white rhinoceroses were expecting babies all at the same time!

Three expectant rhino mothers were quite an accomplishment for Disney Conservation. The organization strives to protect the magic of wildlife, and part of that is the species survival program.

Since white rhinos are endangered, every birth makes a difference to the species. And Walt Disney World has had baby rhinos arrive thrice in just over a year!

Credit: Disney

Ranger was the first of the three rhinos to be born. Mom Kendi gave birth to him in October 2020. You can read all about his first birthday bash right here!

The second baby still does not have a name. Mom Jao gave birth just a few months ago. You can see the pair celebrating the 50th with a rhino castle of their own right here.

Welcome Baby Number Three!

Credit: Disney Animals, Science, and Environment

Walt Disney World’s newest baby rhino arrived on November 2, 2021. Mom Lola and baby seem to be doing well.

The pair will remain behind the scenes for a while before being introduced to the savanna with the other rhinos. But once they are introduced, what a potentially glorious vision it could be to see three young rhinos all at once.

Credit: Disney Animals, Science, and Environment

The prolonged time behind the scenes is to protect ample time for the mommy and baby pair to bond. It will be a while before anyone can investigate to discover the baby’s gender, weight, etc.

So, as is the case with baby rhino number two, we will probably not know this one’s name for a while yet. However, your KtP Writing Crew will keep you up to date on all the baby rhino news.

Want More Animal Fun?

Credit: Disney Parks Blog

One exciting thing about Disney for both animal fans and for species of animals around the globe is that Walt Disney World has had a steady stream of new life arriving lately.

If you want to read about Disney’s newest zebra click here. For the newest hippo click here.

Credit: Disney Animals, Science, and Environment

Are you a baby animal fan? Are you excited that we that we have told you thrice about new rhino births? Let us know on the Kenny the Pirate Facebook page. Don’t forget to join the KtP crew page, too!

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