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Relaxed Look for Cast Members and Other Changes Coming Soon

Relaxed Look for Cast Members and Other Changes Coming Soon

Disney has just announced several changes that will take place as part of the Inclusion key. Some of those changes include a more relaxed “Disney Look” for Cast Members and changes to various theme park attractions. See all the new modifications below.

Inclusion Key

The Walt Disney Company recently introduced a fifth key: inclusion. This new key, inclusion, represents The Disney Company’s commitment to cultural transformation. It will now be a part of every day working life for Cast Members and the company as a whole.

To read more about the five keys, check out out post HERE.

We already know Disney is changing many of its attractions to reflect a more diverse and inclusive environment. Changes to Splash Mountain and Jungle Cruise along with new additions like Soul of Jazz will celebrate the differences that make our world unique.

Cast Member Costumes

Another big way Disney is incorporating the inclusion key is through Cast Member costumes. Disney shares,

“Our new approach provides greater flexibility with respect to forms of personal expression surrounding gender-inclusive hairstyles, jewelry, nail styles, and costume choices; and allowing appropriate visible tattoos. We’re updating them to not only remain relevant in today’s workplace, but also enable our cast members to better express their cultures and individuality at work.

Moving forward, we believe our cast, who are at the center of the magic that lives in all our experiences, can provide the best of Disney’s legendary guest service when they have more options for personal expression – creating richer, more personal and more engaging experiences with our guests.”

The standard Disney Look has been very clean and polished looks for Cast Members, but now Disney will permit them to showcase more of their personal style. Some examples of that may include Haunted Mansion and Tower of Terror costumes that offer pants as well as a dress/skirt.

Other Changes

Reimagined attractions and relaxed costumes are not the only ways Disney is changing.

The company is also looking at ways it can support and uplift communities through programs like the Disney Dreamers Academy mentorship programs.

Additionally, Disney will begin including more diverse companies in their supply chain. They promise to share more details on this in the future.

Disney’s goal is also to have more representation and accountability across the organization, through tools and mentorship and learning programs that create awareness and foster leadership accountability. 

Check out the full video below:

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Wednesday 14th of April 2021

I honestly think that Disney would say what would be inappropriate for tattoos is anything sexual, racial, drug related things like that. I really don't think people would take a butterfly, or tribal bands as offensive. And as far as seeing cast members smoking, Disney is smoke free.

Wendy Darling

Wednesday 14th of April 2021

I had no idea how sensitive some people still are regarding tattoos. Very interesting!

I personally have no issue if a cast member has tattoos or blue hair, these days it’s very common. In fact, you may be surprised how many already HAVE tattoos, albeit hidden during work. As long as I get that famous Disney customer service, I’m a happy camper!

I can also confirm, as an employer, being tattooed has no effect on work ethic or quality. And, obviously, offensive/racist/sexually graphic tattoos would need to be covered, in line with many other large companies. It will not be a free for all. It really is rather simple.

I’m glad to see Inclusion is a key priority for Disney. It takes away nothing, but will mean a lot to many people. Hello 2021!


Tuesday 13th of April 2021

Sounds great! I will just love feeling like I’m at Six Flags while at Disney World!


Tuesday 13th of April 2021

Sounds like key #5 is strictly for the employees. Instead of "clean and polished look", I'm using your words, cast members can now have a LESS than clean and polished look to better engage with paying customers? REALLY? I guess multiple facial piercings will be allowed as well? Women cm's wear pants and shorts at most venues so including same at haunted mansion etc isn't that big of a deal because Employees uniforms and the fabrics should be comfortable. Many of them are wearing wool pants and wdw should be ashamed. Didn't realize cm's couldn't wear their hair or nails the way they wanted within certain guidelines. Maybe those wdw executives will now allow blue hair or rainbow hair or Mohawks!! Are cm's the new characters we pay to go see? I'm 66 and have been going since it opened but I don't get changing a dress code to this extreme. I have to wonder, will wdw employees start looking like workers from the carnivals that travel the country and will carnival workers line up now to apply for employment at wdw ? Classy move wdw execs.

Roxanne Cooper

Tuesday 13th of April 2021

When I was at the Casting Center for my interview, I was asked, "If you are wearing a tank top & shorts, am I seeing tattoos?" I answered honestly & chose a job that allowed me to wear pants inside. I'm not a fan of changing the Disney Look. I love the classic-ness of it.

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