It’s been one week since Disney World reopened, and we are learning new things all the time. Disney is now clarifying their mask requirements for eating and drinking. More details below!
When Disney shared its reopening plan, masks were definitely one of the top of the list of requirements for Guests wanting to visiting the parks, along with a Park Pass reservation and agreement with their safety statement.

They clarified Guests could take off their masks when eating/drinking, swimming, in hotel rooms, and hanging out in one of the many relaxation zones located around the 4 theme parks.
But, that left some with questions still. Would eating and drinking only be allowed in restaurants? Could we grab a Mickey pretzel and eat it while walking to another ride?

Disney has clarified that Guests can certainly eat and drink while at the parks. However, Guests should remain stationary (not walking) and maintain appropriate physical distancing.
The mask requirement was likely clarified due to the result of Guest behavior at Epcot. Epcot is currently hosting a Taste of Food & Wine, and there are food and drink booths all over the park for Guests to enjoy.

If you would like to enjoy those food and beverage items at Taste of Food & Wine (or any of the other theme parks), please make sure you stop, find somewhere to sit away from other Guests, and enjoy!
Be sure to account for this extra time that will be spent eating and drinking.

I am glad Disney clarified their mask policy to help ensure Guest safety. All our KtP writing team felt very safe in the parks. We will be sharing more soon!
What do you think of this change in the mask policy? Will it affect your plans for visiting? Share your thoughts with us on Facebook! You can also join our friendly KtP Crew and continue the discussion there.
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