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Certain Disney World Tickets Not Expiring Until 2022

Certain Disney World Tickets Not Expiring Until 2022

If you have purchased tickets for Disney World, you might be happy to learn the expiration date on them has just been extended even longer!

With the closure and then reopening of Disney World, thousands of vacationers have had their plans canceled or pushed back. Many are not sure when they will be able to return or if they even want to return with all the changes and modifications put into place.

We know Disney World is about to look a lot different than it did before it closed in March.

Photo courtesy of

From only one character meal in all of Disney World to the elimination of parades, fireworks, and other entertainment, the Magic of Disney may be a bit harder to find.

Not to mention, the new reservation system that requires Guests to obtain a pass to enter the parks (in addition to their tickets, of course) may also eliminate the ability to park hop and enjoy some spontaneity during your Disney trip.

So, what to do?

Do you wait it out until various offerings come back to Disney World? Do you try to go now and make the best of it?

Many guests were happy to see that their unused tickets showed a new expiration date of September 26, 2021. You can read about that HERE.

If you want to wait a bit longer, you will be pleased to hear it looks as if Disney World has extended the expiration dates of the Flexible Dates Ticket with Park Hopper Option.

Take a look at this photo a fellow KtP writer took of her ticket:

Now, it looks as if the Flexible Dates Ticket with Park Hopper Option is valid through January 14, 2022! Please note, this is an unused ticket. Other ticket options may have also been extended.

Now, we’ve already mentioned Park Hopping may be a thing of the past (at least for the foreseeable future). Guests may receive partial refunds that reflect this change. It would certainly make sense to do so if park hopping isn’t an option.

However, I’m glad to see Disney is offering extended expirations to Guests who wish to travel at a later date.

Do you have tickets that have a new expiration date of 2022? Let us know on the Kenny the Pirate Facebook page, and you can also join our KtP Crew!

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Wednesday 17th of June 2020

What was the purchase date of the flexible ticket in the screenshot? If this was purchased in 2020 the expiration date would always have been 1/14/2022.

I have a flexible hopper bought in December 2019, obviously for use in 2020 and I just got off the phone with the ticketing department who are refusing to extend the expiration date, which was set to 1/14/2021 from the start. According to them I'm not affected by the park closures because I bought the ticket in December 2019, yet someone who bought a much cheaper dated ticket in December 2019 for 2020 IS affected according to them, so they get an extension AND essentially a free upgrade to a flexible ticket. It's ridiculous.

Christine Edwards

Friday 12th of June 2020

Thank your son for his service

Norma Fewell

Thursday 11th of June 2020

I have husband and I ( were both over 65 with underlying health issues)bought annual pases for the first time and used it once in January, now all of our other trips have had to be cancelled. I wish they would let me put the annual pass on pause and then reactivate it when things start to return to nirmal.i dont want a refund just pause the time on it.


Wednesday 10th of June 2020

Just checked and still not extension for military tickets. That’s really unfortunate considering they probably have the most inflexible schedule of anyone. My son missed our April trip due to Covid and is getting deployed outside the US until early next year. The military pass he bought still expires this December.

Monica Street

Friday 12th of June 2020


Wednesday 10th of June 2020

Ours still show their original expiration date. We also were told by email we’d receive 35% off our room rate. We only saw $100 difference in the price from the original price package. ‍♀️

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