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Disney Vacation Club is about to get even more expensive

Disney Vacation Club is about to get even more expensive

We all have seen Disney continue to increase their prices. Disney Vacation Club is about to get even more expensive.

What is DVC

disney's wilderness lodge
Credit: KtP writer Susan

DVC is short for Disney Vacation Club. It is a timeshare run by Disney. Unlike other timeshares DVC has the flexibility of a point system.

You can book the time of year you travel and type of accommodation, including your resort of choice. With this style of timeshare you are not stuck in a particular week every year. You purchase an allotment of points that you can then choose to spend however you would like.

Want to know more about DVC? Check out all the ins and outs of it HERE.

Statements Regarding Minimum Buy In Amount Raised and 2023 Points Chart Released

Credit: KtP

The minimum buy-in amount was raised to 150 points. This is for a Direct Membership and to receive all Member benefits. These Members previously had a BLUE card.

Another option to become a Member (but you will not have full membership benefits) would be to buy resale. These Members had a WHITE card.

DVC responded with a statement regarding why they increased the minimum buy in amount. You can find that HERE.

Again, DVC responded with a statement for the change in the 2023 Points Chart saying, this was done for the benefit of the member. Read their full statement HERE.

Price Increase Per Point

Credit: Monica

Are you thinking of buying DVC points? If you are then you better act quickly! Disney Vacation points are about to increase AGAIN! Prices are currently at $201 per point. This will increase to $207 per point.

Prices will increase to $207 per point for Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas, Ko Olina, Hawaii and Disney’s Riveria Resort effective February 3, 2022.

This increase is for Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas, Ko Olina, Hawaii and Disney’s Riveria Resort. It will occur on February 3, 2022.

What do you think of this price increase? Will you be buying any Disney Vacation Club points before the increase? Let us know on the Kenny the Pirate Facebook page. Don’t forget to join the KtP crew page, too!

-Heather Alosa

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Friday 14th of January 2022

I feel the same way we have owned a share in the CDC for the past 12 years and however it seems like we are losing all the perks that we started with I agree with you the CEO of Disney right now just doesn’t care it’s all about the almighty dollar and I think Walt Disney is probably turning over in his grave grave several times during the day to see what is happening it’s no more the place where you can take your family and it’s not all about it’s a wonderful life anymore it’s all about money it’s all about money and I honestly believe that Disney has been very well compensated for everything that they have offered people and the way they are changing everything right now with their fast passes and extra money to get on rides quicker are you trying to do the same as they are over Do at Universal that is not your competition Disney was the place that everybody wanted to go to because it was the happiest place on earth however now it is no longer I always believe and you’re right if I had to do it today there’s no way that I could afford it yes we’ve had many many good years and it’s just a shit shame that people today buying in to do this he will not know what they have missed


Friday 14th of January 2022

Love the price increase! I have two DVC locations (OKW, SS) brought back in 1995 and 2001. DVC was a great value then (especially since the first members got 5 yrs of annual passes). If I recall, it was about $60/pt then and a great purchase (and investment, though should not be purchased for such).

For years I have highly recommended the DVC. Around 2015, I stopped doing so. While the total pts per resort year does not change (a good thing), the pts of other vacations (i.e. Disney Cruises) increases significantly (maybe the old days were a bit too good).

With the new higher DVC prices, the poorer pt exchanges, fewer bonus offerings for being a DVC member and DVC maintainance costs that exceed inflation, I can no longer recommend DVC as a good offering.

The bigger problem is the new Disney management. Until last year, I trusted Disney to keep the original Disney spirit. Even with the reduced benefits, I kept my DVC membership due to my initial price and that it remained a good value (especially considering the room cost at OKW and Poly, my favorite spots).

I no longer use it for Disney cruises, as it is better to just pay cash for them (Disney DVC resorts are the best use of your pts).

My biggest concern is that the new Disney management doesn't give a crap about Disney loyality. I still have many years of maintainance fees to pay and a Disney CEO that happily screws guests over for profit. Am I next?

Will my maintainance fees (currently $6k) go over $10k next year (I have over 20 years more years to pay)?

That's scary, almost to the point where it may be safer for me to sell my points versus the uncertainty (why I like the price increase since resale value goes up every time Disney raises prices).

Yes, DVC was great for the 20+ years we had it. We had a lot of great times provided by our membership. However, we could not do the same today....

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