Guess what Disney animal fans! You can finally meet Disney’s rhino calf face to face on Kilimanjaro Safari.
Ranger the Baby Rhino

About four months ago, Walt Disney World welcomed Ranger the white rhino to Animal Kingdom. Ranger is particularly poetic because his mother Kendi was the first White Rhino to be born in Disney World.
You can read Ranger’s birth story here. Since birth, Ranger has had plenty of behind the scenes fun bonding with Kendi and learning how to be alive under the watchful eye of his attentive keepers.
Ranger’s Safari Debut

Now, at four months old, Ranger is finally ready to join the rest of Animal Kingdom’s crash of rhinos on the savanna of Kilimanjaro Safari. According to Disney Parks Blog, Disney’s Animal Care Team had the pleasure of introducing him to his new home just yesterday (February 23, 2021).
He is the first calf to join the crash in five years, making his introduction even more special. He reportedly spent his monumental first day on the savanna alternating between splashing in the mud and running around his new surroundings.
Of course he took plenty of breaks for napping and snacking. That sounds like a great Disney day to me!

The rest of the crash seems to be taking well to him. He reportedly palled around with his two aunts Lola and Jao today.
Little Ranger still has quite a bit of growing to do. While he already weighs 600 pounds, he will most likely quadruple in size!
How Can You See Him?

If you are in Animal Kingdom, you might just be able to spot Kendi and Ranger. They will be spending time on the savanna of Kilimanjaro Safari.
If you decide to go on the ride, you might just be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them both as well! There are no guarantees, but there is always a chance.

The good news is that Ranger will spend longer and longer periods on the savanna as he grows older. So the odds of spotting him will get better during the coming weeks.
Do you have a trip to Walt Disney World coming up soon? If so, let us know if you happen to spot Kendi and Ranger! Don’t forget to share your photos in the KtP Crew!
Let us know what you think of Ranger’s Debut in the comments below or on our Facebook page. Or keep the conversation going and share them with us in our crew too!
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