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NEWS: Disney Senior Vice President Shares Information Regarding Potential Park Opening

NEWS: Disney Senior Vice President Shares Information Regarding Potential Park Opening

The Senior Vice President of Disney World has shared some information today at the Orange County Task Force meeting.

Both the Re-open Florida Task Force and the Orange County Task Force have been hard at work the last several weeks making decisions and getting businesses back up and running after COVID-19 sent our country in a tizzy (putting it politely).

Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis has outlined a 4-step process that will reopen the state, and the Orange County Task Force has also laid out some initial talking points in regards to what theme parks will need to do in order to be able to reopen.

However, the Orange County Task Force has said that they are leaving any reopening timelines and procedures up to Disney World.

Cast Member Schedule Delayed for April 1 Reopening

For the most part, Disney World has been very quiet about reopening. We do know that they are taking reservations for June 1 and beyond.

The Senior Vice President of Walt Disney Resorts and Transportation Options, Thomas Mazloum, spoke at the Orange County Task Force meeting today. Sources are reporting he shared some insight about the reopening of Disney Park. He stated:

“We do not have any opening date yet. As some of you may know, at this point we’re taking bookings that were in June but that does not mean that we’re reopening in June.

At this time, I want to make it clear that we don’t have any plans to share for Walt Disney World or any of our other parks. Clearly, regulatory guidance is an important element of this in each area and county where we work, and at this point I want to be clear that we don’t have any plans to share about Walt Disney World yet.”

He also said he did not want to comment on speculation that Disney won’t reopen until 2021 (which is a rumor that didn’t even come from Disney). Disney isn’t in a position to comment on a reopening date or timeframe.

So, this is a start. While we don’t know when exactly the parks will reopen, we do now at least have something from Disney leadership. Even if it is just to tell us that there is no reopening timeline – either because they don’t have one or they are not willing to share just yet.

Stay updated on Disney news over on Kenny the Pirate’s Facebook page!

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Monday 4th of May 2020

Unfortunately you are correct. And the civil implication that goes with this decision. Did we open to soon? No vaccine is available so these numbers can pop up again. I just don’t want disney to lose the most important thing. It’s name


Monday 4th of May 2020

wow great concern. I feel for phase one there will be no fireworks, charter greetings due to the social distancing that’s my opinion. I also feel not all four parks will be open. Maybe a rotation of parks. I also believe how we visit theme parks in the future are forever changed. I would wait till we get closer before you commit. I had July and I canceled now I have October and that seems to be ify

Mary Taylor

Monday 4th of May 2020

I had a trip scheduled for the end of April which got cancelled. I rescheduled with the free dining offer for the end of August. Now I'm considering cancelling again. I hate to do that but this will be my kids first time to Disney and all my girls can talk about it wanting to meet Cinderella and their favorite princesses. The comment above about bring home experience is what I'm afraid for. The magic of meeting your favorite characters in person being lost due to this scary pandemic and the need to stay safe.

What is your opinion on face to face meeting at reopening? Is Cinderella going to wear a face mask?

What's the odds of them offering extending the free dining offer if I have to reschedule again because they stay closed? Should I hold out on cancelling until then?

I know this is all opinion and hearsay, just trying to make a plan


Monday 4th of May 2020

Too many logistics involved to open anytime soon. Im sure they want to do it safely and also they want the guest to have the full Disney experience. Why would you pay all that money for anything less?


Monday 4th of May 2020

We all know this is going to be a game changer especially for theme parks. I know disney has a monumental decision ahead. How can you open theme parks with all these obstacles? Social distancing? Sanitizing all attractions restaurants and trying to keep the waits within reason. How will this effect the overall guest experience? Especially spending thousands of dollars? The question should be for Disney management is not to focus on when the parks will open but what kind of a experience will the guest bring home?


Monday 4th of May 2020

That is a very fair and even handed response. It's tough when you have to consider the health of millions of people.

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