Disney is continuing to bring back entertainment. However, not all entertainment is returning. A Disney Resort favorite entertainment duo is now permanently gone.
Park Closures

Last year it felt like the world stopped turning. Kids were home from school. Most were trying to work from home. Disney parks shut down around the world.
Disney Parks rarely shut down. In the past, Disney World has only shut down a handful times. Hurricanes coming through central Florida being the main reason.
With the parks and hotels closing last year, this sent many cast members home. When they reopened, they brought them back slowly. Some are still awaiting their return call.
Entertainment Returning

It is exciting to see Disney return to a more normal feel. Cast members are returning! Favorite experiences are back!
Character sightings (a modified meet and greet) are back with Mickey and the princesses. Even though these aren’t the same meet and greets we are used to, it’s nice to be able to have that character interaction again.
Planning on seeing any of these characters? Check out character locator to get great tips on memorable interactions!
Not all entertainment is returning though. The Christmas After Hours parade was missing many performers. Read HERE for those details. But it wasn’t just the Disney Parks entertainment affected.
Another Cast Member Not Returning

B’Lou Crabbe n’ Shadow were a regular sight at Disney’s Hilton Head DVC. People would always look forward to seeing this dynamic duo!
Unfortunately, B’Lou Crabbe n’ Shadow will not be returning. They were awaiting their call back and they instead got sad news.
Personal Response To Fans

This duo has been entertaining guests for years, with music and story telling. Here is what Mick Ayres (B’Lou Crabbe) had to say:
Wow, do we love you guys! Thank you for the wonderful medicine of your words, thoughts, calls, letters, and WOW…the petition! At the very least, Shadow and I should fill you in about events that have brought us all to this point.
For the record, throughout these past 20 months of Covid, the Resort has consistently told us, “We can’t wait to have you and Shadow back. We’re just waiting on Orlando to bring all the entertainers back at once”. Then last week, in a 5 minute phone call from a Resort admin, I was bluntly read a very short letter that revealed we were not coming back at all. I repeatedly asked for an explanation but was only given silence. To be fair, the admin is a friend whom Shadow and I love as much as we love you guys; he was obviously uncomfortable and hated being the harbinger. Still, our 21-year career at the Resort was over.
I am certainly hurt and confused (but NOT bitter, please know that). The entertainment industry as a whole was nearly wiped out from the overreaching Covid restrictions. Trust me, there’s nothing more frustrating than being declared “nonessential” by people as nonessential as overeaching politicians. But I never dreamed that Disney would willingly slap that label on Shadow and B’lou or any of their equally beloved entertainers around the world. To me, the Arts are as essential to being human as breathing, eating, and sleeping.

Over these past 20 months, to their credit, Disney fully honored Shadow’s portion of our mutual performance contract by continuing to pay the vet and groomer for Shadow’s care. However, though I received no monetary compensations from Disney since I was not performing at the Resort, I still honored the terms of our contract that put limits on any off-property performances. So, my self-renewing contract was still active over this entire period because Disney and I were still honoring its terms. Therefore, in full faith and confidence, I thoroughly believed them when told we were coming back.
If your beautiful and passionate petition, the phone calls, e-mails, and letters work–and we are asked to return–Shadow and I would do so in a heartbeat! Shadow is fine. I am fine. My health is balanced. God still has me in His grip. There is still plenty of magic left to share.
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for everything! If Shadow and I are brought back ‘home’, it is solely because of you and what you have started here.
Much love to you all. We have always felt like part of your families–but more so now than ever.
Shadow says “Woof”.

Many of their fans are upset and writing letters and emails to have their return
It is sad to see some of our favorite entertainment returning. These are the pieces that I feel give Disney extra Magic. I love these special cast members. I hope that Disney will rethink their decision and we will see their return.
What do you think about this duo not returning? Let us know on the Kenny the Pirate Facebook page. Don’t forget to join the KtP crew page too!
-Heather Alosa
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