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New Glitch for the Rise of the Resistance Virtual Queue and 5 Tips to Avoid It

New Glitch for the Rise of the Resistance Virtual Queue and 5 Tips to Avoid It

Guests visiting Hollywood Studios yesterday were quite disappointed when a widespread glitch prevented many from obtaining a boarding group for the Rise of the Resistance. Find out what this glitch was and how you may avoid this on your next visit to Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

Rise of the Resistance

Rise of the Resistance is located in Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge. This attraction is one of the most sought after attractions throughout the Walt Disney World Parks.

One of the biggest frustrations for this attraction is that it experiences multiple temporary closures throughout the day.

The Rise of the Resistance often is temporarily closed throughout the day due to technical difficulties with this trackless ride system.

Over the course of a day, these temporary closures cause further delays throughout the day for remaining Guests. 

Virtual Queue

Previously, Guest were allowed to join Boarding Groups. Guests were only able to access the Boarding Group system as soon as the Park officially opened. 

Once the Boarding Group slots were filled, there no more available Boarding Groups.

With the reopening of Hollywood Studios, a new system of Virtual Queues were introduced on the My Disney Experience app. Guests are now able to access a Virtual Queue at 10:00am and at 2:00pm.

Virtual Queues are available at 10:00am and 2:00pm

Virtual Queue Boarding Group does not guarantee that you will be able to ride Rise of the Resistance. It simply holds your place in the virtual line for this attraction. 

Unfortunately, many Guests visiting Hollywood Studios yesterday experienced an unexpected glitch in obtaining a boarding group.

Virtual Queue Glitch

Yesterday Guests attempted to join a Virtual Queue at 10:00 am, but they were unable to. These Guests that had scanned their Magic Bands or ticket cards to enter Hollywood Studios discovered at 10:00am that they were not “inside the park.”

A few minutes after 10:00am, these Guests heard an overhead announcement that the Virtual Queue for 10:00am was completely full.

Many KennythePirate Crew Members voiced their concerns on our Facebook Page. They questioned how their My Disney Experience app could not recognize that they had been scanned and entered into Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

These Guests entered a growing line to speak with a Guest Experience Team Member. When these Guests finally spoke with a Cast Member, they were given a “multiple experience” pass to use while visiting the Walt Disney World Parks.

The downside is that this “multiple experience” pass does not apply to the Rise of the Resistance attraction.

These Guests will now join the multitude of fellow Guests who also experienced this glitch in trying to join the Virtual Queue at 2:00pm.

As an added frustration, the Rise of the Resistance had experienced multiple delays throughout the day.

We may not be able to offer assistance in the temporary closures of this attraction. But, we can offer suggestions on how to prevent a glitch when you attempt to join a Virtual Queue on your Hollywood Studios day.

5 Tips for Joining a Virtual Queue

Step #1

Prior to your magical day in Hollywood Studios you will want to update a few things in your My Disney Experience app. Make sure that you have the most updated version of the My Disney Disney Experience app (version 5.6 or later.)

Step #2

When entering Hollywood Studios, make sure that when you scan your MagicBand at the ticket scanner that the Mickey head turns green. If this Mickey head turns blue, you or a member of your traveling party may not be counted as present in Hollywood Studios. 

Be sure that each member of your party has a green light when they are scanned to enter Hollywood studios

To be able to join a Virtual Queue, you have to be counted as present in the Park when Virtual Queues become available. As with the previous Boarding Group, each member of your party must be present in Hollywood Studios to be able to earn a place in the Virtual Queue.

Step #3

Arrive early! The day that we visited Hollywood Studios had a 10:00am opening. We were allowed to enter into the Park earlier than this time.

arrive early to allow yourself time to ensure all members of your party are counted present in the Park.

Although rides and attractions may not open until 10:00am, arriving early will allow you time to make sure that you and your traveling party are counted as present in the Park. This is absolutely crucial to ensure that you will be able to join a Virtual Queue at 10:00am and at 2:00pm.

Step #4

A new update has been added to the My Disney Experience app that will allow your entire traveling party to be added to your Virtual Queue list. The only exception to this is that each member of your traveling party must be “present in the Park.”

If one of the members of your traveling party did not receive a green light when they entered the Park, then that Guest will not appear on your Virtual Queue list.

Step #5

If you experience a problem accessing a Virtual Queue, be sure to take a screen shot image of your My Disney Experience app. After this immediately head to a Guest Experience Team member (Cast Members dressed in blue shirts located near the Dockside Diner).

This will allow the Guest Experience Team members to identify and correct the problem in obtaining a Boarding Group. If one member of your party was not counted as “present in the park” then the Guest Experience Team Member will be able to add them to your boarding group.

We hope these tips may help you on your further visit to Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Be sure to check out additionally great tips including how to access a DAS pass and Rider Swap for this attraction HERE.

Have you experienced the Rise of the Resistance? Did you use the Virtual Queue system? Did you have any complications with the Virtual Queue? Share your thoughts with us on our Facebook Page.

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Thursday 17th of September 2020

I also recommend getting off the Disney WiFi to get a boarding pass. Just use cellular service. In my mind, the hundreds of people trying to get a boarding pass on the park’s WiFi overloads it. I’ve heard they the WiFi in the parks is part of an archaic system and not reliable.

In February I had luck getting a boarding pass, and two women next to me did not. They were on the WiFi and I was on cellular. We got group #42 and there was a breakdown when we were in the holding bay. We had to be escorted through the backstage area to leave the ride. A cast member scanned our magic bands and we were able to get a fast pass to return later in the day. About an hour and a half later, everything seemed to be working and we were able to try riding again.


Tuesday 15th of September 2020

I recommend skipping the guest experience cast members in the blue shirts, and go to guest relations at the front of the park. The seem to have more freedom to help. Also I don’t understand not adding to an existing boarding group. With social distancing guidelines a party of 1 or a party of 8 use the exact same amount of ride capacity.


Tuesday 15th of September 2020

My two cents— too much technology and production= too many problems over time.. KISS to keep longevity and stability of these attractions.. there’s a reason why the older attractions have persisted.. quality parts and mechanical engineering.

Vivian Hudson

Tuesday 15th of September 2020

In August, the same thing happened to my family. ALL of us turned GREEN when we went in the park. They gave us nothing when we went and complained. They gave the family of 4 ahead of us with the same problem nothing also.


Tuesday 15th of September 2020

They would not add our members to the one person in our party that did get a boarding group. They said too bad and we also didn’t get a pass for another ride either. Bad guest experience created by Disney yesterday!! Terrible customer service!!

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