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BREAKING: Disney World Raises Menu Prices, Removes Certain Items despite Closure

BREAKING: Disney World Raises Menu Prices, Removes Certain Items despite Closure

Disney World has raised menu prices at several places across the parks and resorts. Additionally, some food offerings have been removed from menus. I’ve got a breakdown of the changes.

With the parks closed indefinitely and the millions of dollars that are being lost in revenue EVERY DAY, Disney is trying to make up for some of this loss.

We have already seen the furlough of many Disney World employees, including executive, salaried, and non-union Cast Members.

There have also been several permanent entertainment cuts at Epcot. You can read about them HERE and HERE.

Now, we are seeing a price increase and reduced menu offerings.

The strategy is simple: use discounts and special offers to draw Guests in and then increase prices on food and experiences to help make up for the loss. I wouldn’t be surprised if we also see price increases for special add-ons like dessert parties and After Hours events in the future.

Some food and beverage offerings are also being removed from menus. It costs extra money to keep a wide variety of options at each dining location, and Disney is making cuts wherever possible.

Let’s take a look at some examples.


Tortuga Tavern

Previously, the all-beef hot dog combo at Tortuga Tavern, which was served with chips, was priced at $9.49.

Now, the hot dog does not come with chips, and the price has been raised $1.00 to $10.49.

You can also see the Ropa Vieja has also been taken off the menu when served as an entree with rice. It appears to still be available as a topping on the beef hot dog.

The Friar’s Nook

If you hop across Magic Kingdom to Fantasyland, one small (but noticeable) change is the fact that the all-beef hot dog is now served with macaroni cheese instead of tots. Here is the screenshot from Character Locator:

Also, the price of the entree jumped up $2.00 because of this change. Check out the menu from My Disney Experience:

Tusker House

Over at Animal Kingdom, Tusker House will no longer serve as many of the alcoholic beverages that were once available.

The Sugar Can Mojito, African Margarita, and Lost on Safari drinks are now missing from the menu. The new menu only displays four drinks: African Bloody Mary, Cold Brew XO, African Mimosa, and Ngumu Jungle Juice.


The Hollywood Brown Derby Lounge

More drink offerings were also taken off the Hollywood Brown Derby Lodge at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

Various margaritas, martinis, and other drinks are no longer listed on the online menu.

The Hollywood Brown Derby | Walt Disney World Resort

Several alcoholic beverages also appear to have been raised in price, as much as $3.00 for a drink. It’s a good idea to check out the menus for any restaurant you want to visit during your trip so that way you aren’t surprised by the prices.

This is not an exhaustive list, but this does give you an idea of what is taking place on Walt Disney World property while it is closed.

What do you think these menu changes? Are you surprised or did you see it coming? Share your thoughts with us on KennythePirate’s facebook page.


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Artie McDonald (@ArtieMcD)

Thursday 23rd of April 2020

I presume you have not actually have event hired someone and seen how labor costs (including all taxes and benefits one must pay for the privilege of hiring someone) have also escalated in the same time period.... Now multiply this by the 50,000 or so cast members at the Orlando location as well. No doubt Disney is profitable... but excessively so is not the case. Even Disney had to take out a $5 BILLION line of credit last week just to have a chance to survive the shutdown... and we don't yet know when it will end.


Saturday 11th of April 2020

You are so funny. Disney is NOT a regular company. They are making TONs of money everyday while charging 3 times the price sonething should cost. So I say waa waa Disney. Like I said..karma.


Thursday 9th of April 2020

Again to everyone Disneyland is a luxury not a necessity. No one I repeat no one is forcing you to go. Even after this pandemic, your first thought shouldnt be oh im going to go on a vacation. So does it really even matter to you in this current state? Plus they lost a lot of money due to the closure. For example all the food they had they donated and for cast member's, they kept them with pay for as long as they could. Even before they shutdown completely they were losing customers because of the virus. They are just like any regular company right now that is struggling. I also believe they do the most for customers when it comes to entertainment. If you really want to go somewhere cheaper you also have to understand that the quality of the park will change as well. I know parks like Knotts berry farm are cheaper but also doesnt have the same magic that Disney does. And also no one knows how long this will go on for so they as a company that has millions of workers they are probably still paying, is just trying to do everything they can to not have a hard fall.


Thursday 9th of April 2020

Disney is no longer about family, it's all bout how much money they can make, with no concern to the consumer. Ticket prices go up every 6 months for what purpose, to bleed the public of every last dime they have.

Walt created his parks for families, and made sure it was affordable without breaking their budget, but now the Disney corporation just wants more and more money no matter how it affects the working class. And how horrible are they to raise prices during this crisis and while the parks are closed.

If people were smart and banded together no one will go when it reopens. Let's face it, during this troubling time, we all seem to be doing just fine without Disney.

I think once everything calms down and we get back to our normal routine, we should all support our local amusement parks instead.

And to the person who said that Disney stands by their employees, I have news for you, they gave every college program student 3 days to pack up and go, whether they came from other countries or USA. Try to finding a flight back to your home country, especially with only 3 days notice, and most countries having flight restrictions. Some had to rent rooms while negotiating their flight home. Now, that is what I call a great employer, a real nice way to treat your hard working employees.

Hope Disney falls very hard.

lacey patton

Thursday 9th of April 2020

I think its crazy! We are Florida Residents an annual passholders! Disney raises their prices all the time but to do it at a time like this is very sad and very down an dirty! The whole world is in crisis no one is working you cant leave your home you have to wear masks an gloves to go to the grocery store an they are raising hot dog an alcohol prices.. PATHETIC Im sick of Disney as it is they are nothing but money hungry anymore its no longer the happiest place on earth... Walt is probably turning in is grave right now!!! .

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