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BIG News For DVC Members With Borrowing Points

BIG News For DVC Members With Borrowing Points

Are you a DVC Member looking to borrow more than the 50% of your points? You might be luck!

Disney Vacation Club

disney's wilderness lodge
Credit: KtP writer Susan

DVC is short for Disney Vacation Club. It is a timeshare run by Disney. Unlike other timeshares DVC has the flexibility of a point system.

You can book the time of year you travel and type of accommodation, including your resort of choice. With this style of timeshare you are not stuck in a particular week every year. You purchase an allotment of points that you can then choose to spend however you would like.

Want to know more about DVC? Check out all the ins and outs of it HERE

New DVC Accommodations

Check out all the new 50th Anniversary Celebrations at Disney World Resorts
Credit: Disney

Disney Vacation Club is set to open their newest accommodations soon! The Villas at Disney’s Grand Floridian and Spa will open on June 20, 2022! I can’t wait to see these new Resort Studios. However, I (Heather) prefer the kitchenette setup, but I’m sure some families will love this new accommodation!

DVC has even more coming! With plans scrapped for Lakeside Lodge, DVC has announced they are now working on a new DVC building that will be near the Polynesian. For all those details read HERE.

Borrowing Rule

Credit: KtP

When the pandemic shut down the parks, a lot changed with DVC too!

One of the biggest upsets, but used to control the excess of points, was the borrowing rule. Normally, you are allowed to bank and borrow your points (bank for next year’s use, borrow for the current year’s use). However, when the resorts closed there was a backup in points. Many points were left not being used!

DVC instated a 50% borrowing rule to help with the excess of points in the system. It was CONFIRMED by DVC Member Services today, May 24, that this rule is still in effect through June, BUT it will be on a case by case basis if you can borrow more! This is great news! The back log of points is easing, and people will be able to vacation with DVC like they love.

Credit: Monica

The 50% borrow rule is still in effect through June, but you may be able to borrow more for future vacations. It is a case by case basis, and you MUST call member services to book.

Member Services said that the Member MUST call in order for this to even be considered. So be sure to call if you want to try for some of those points! Happy planning and “Welcome Home!”

What do you think of this change? Will you be trying to book a vacation with more than 50% of your borrowed points? Let us know on the Kenny the Pirate Facebook page. Don’t forget to join the KtP crew page too!

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