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More Mask Policy Changes to come at Disney World

More Mask Policy Changes to come at Disney World

Disney continues to update its mask policy as the hot summer months roll in. This time, Cast Members are impacted! Read on for details about what you can expect to see this summer.

Mask Policy

For many months, the mask policy at Disney World was simple: everyone must wear a mask at all times unless you are eating, drinking, swimming, or in your hotel room. Back in April, we finally saw this policy relax with Disney allowing Guests to remove their masks while taking an outdoor photo.

With CDC guidelines relaxing mask mandates even further in mid-May, Disney quickly put out an announcement shortly after. In that announcement, Disney said it was no longer mandatory for Guests to wear their masks outside.

Disney has just announced changes to the current mask policy. Face coverings will be optional for fully vaccinated Guests in most areas. However, you will still be expected to wear them on all Disney transportation including Skyliner, monorail, and busses. Read this announcement HERE.

This is all for Guests, though. What about Cast Members?

Cast Member Mask Policy

Up until just recently Disney required all Cast Members to wear masks, and in many cases, face shields as well. Then, Cast Members were informed if they worked outdoors and their jobs did not involve close interaction with others, they could take off their mask.

Late last week, we shared that face shields were no longer mandatory for Cast Members working at Disney World. That policy went into effect two days ago, on June 15. At the time, Cast Members were also informed that their face mask policy was currently under review. You can read about that update HERE.

Beginning tomorrow, June 18, face masks are no longer required for Cast Members who are fully vaccinated and working outdoors.

Do note they must still wear a mask if they work indoors and/or are not vaccinated.

What will we see in the parks?

This is a welcome change for Cast Members who spend their entire shift outdoors in the heat. Summer in Central Florida can be brutal, and we are thankful Disney is making their work experience a bit more comfortable.

As a Guest, you may see some Cast Members wearing a mask and some not.

It will definitely be nice to see some smiling faces from the Cast Members who create so much magic for us.

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