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Single Rider is No Longer Offered for This Popular Ride

Single Rider is No Longer Offered for This Popular Ride

The single rider option on rides can provide solo riders with a quicker way onto the ride. However, this popular ride is no longer testing out this option.

Rise of the Resistance

Breaking: Single Rider Testing for Rise of the Resistance
Credit: Monica

Rise of the Resistance continues to be very popular. There are only two ways to enjoy this attraction. The first is to wait in the standby line. Your best chance of riding in less than an hour is by using Early Entry or getting in line right before closing (my personal favorite).

The second option is to pay to ride. You can opt out of the standby line by purchasing a Lightning Lane Single Pass and ride with a confirmed return time. Typically these Lightning Lane Single Passes sell out quickly.

Single Rider Testing

Credit: Susan

Last month, Disney introduced a test of a single rider option. Guests utilizing the single rider line would be separated from their parties.

Single rider lines are separate lines in select attractions for those traveling solo or who do not mind riding the attraction without the rest of their party. Single riders get placed onto the ride wherever there is an open seat available

Guests using the Single Rider entrance for Rise of the Resistance would enter at the Star Destroyer hangar. You can read more about the testing HERE.

No Longer Available

Credit: Kate

The single rider option is no longer available for Rise of the Resistance. Guests will now have to either wait in standby or pay for a Lightning Lane Single Pass to enjoy the attraction.

At this time, there is no news if Disney will reopen this single rider option again. Fingers crossed they do!

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