Universal Orlando is known for their thrill rides. Riders will now see one big reduction on this popular thrill ride.
Universal Studios Orlando

Universal Studios Orlando is known for their amazing thrill rides, consisting of roller coaster and motion simulators. Here you can discover rides, attractions and a whole lot more that makes this the best park for people looking for BIG thrills.
Universal boasts that they aren’t about make believe. They bring some of our favorite movies to life – including Minions and Harry Potter.
Check out the new Minion Land HERE. I (Heather) am a big Harry Potter fan. Read HERE for information about Death Eaters coming to Universal for the FIRST time!
Hollywood Rip Ride and Rockit

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit is a roller coaster in Universal Studios at Universal Orlando. It allows riders to select a song to listen to as they climb, loop, and plummet over Universal!
The ride is probably best known for its terrifying vertical ascent. It presents an intimidating visual as riders approach, and it is every bit as thrilling (or terrifying) as one would imagine to travel STRAIGHT UP (yes straight up, a full 90 degrees!) with your back parallel to the ground.
Rip Ride and Rockit climbs a total of 17 stories. But did you know that this coaster broke records? It was the first coaster in the world to have a non-inverting loop!
Big Reduction

Universal Orlando has just made a big reduction to the thrill ride Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit. Guests used to be able to pick from five different music genres which each contained six songs. This gave riders a choice of 30 songs to pick from!
Rip Ride and Rockit now only offers FIVE songs for riders to choose from.
Now, riders only have one song to pick from in each music genre! Riders can ONLY CHOOSE FROM FIVE SONGS! That’s 25 song options GONE!

The Music options are:
- Classic Rock/Metal: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
- Pop/Disco: Waterloo by ABBA
- Country: Man! I Feel Like a Woman by Shania Twain
- Rap/Hip-Hop: Humble by Kendrick Lamar
- Club/Electronica: Sandstorm by Darude
I (Heather) know I will miss rocking out to Glamorous by Fergie on my next ride.
What do you think of this new change? Do you like having less options or do you miss the old choices? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to share this post with a friend who will be traveling to Universal Orlando soon!

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