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Judge Strikes Down a New Motion in the Disney vs. DeSantis Board Lawsuit

Judge Strikes Down a New Motion in the Disney vs. DeSantis Board Lawsuit

We have breaking news on the Disney legal front. The judge just made a huge decision in the lawsuit.

Disney vs. DeSantis

Credit: Disney

By now you may have heard of the ongoing legal drama between The Walt Disney Company and Ron DeSantis and his newly appointed Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (CFTOD). The turmoil began when former CEO Bob Chapek spoke out against the Parental Rights in Education Law passed in Florida in 2022.

Shortly after this move, Florida’s state Republicans passed a bill to repeal the Reedy Creek Improvement Act of 1967 that allowed  Disney to function as its own governing body in the two cities and land within Orange and Osceola counties. After the bill passed, the Reedy Creek Improvement District officially dissolved, giving the state of Florida power over Disney World.

Additionally, DeSantis appointed the new Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (CFTOD) as its governing board. This action resulted in big operational changes to the Walt Disney World resort. And it also led to two lawsuits.

The Two Lawsuits


The first of the two lawsuits is a federal case Disney brought against DeSantis. Current CEO Bob Iger maintains that DeSantis is punishing the Walt Disney Company for practicing free speech in its reaction to the Parental Rights in Education Law. In fact, in April, Daniel M. Petrocelli, a high-powered Los Angeles litigator, filed complaints on Disney’s behalf in federal court against Governor DeSantis. DeSantis, unsurprisingly, motioned for dismissal. Disney has since responded, and you can read about it here.

However, there is also a state-level lawsuit filed by the DeSantis-appointed Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (CFTOD) against Disney to nullify agreements between the former Reedy Creek Tourism District and Disney. The agreement essentially transferred power from the Reedy Creek Tourism District to Disney prior to the district being dissolved.

DeSantis himself is NOT a party in this other lawsuit. This is something entirely different. Disney, unsurprisinglymade a motion of its own for dismissal.

On July 14, 2023, Judge Margaret H Schreiber heard arguments from representatives for both Disney and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (CFTOD) during an hour-long hearing pertaining to the motion for dismissal of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District lawsuit against Disney. Essentially, Disney is arguing that the case is moot since Florida has already passed legislation (SB 1604) nullifying the agreement.

Ultimately, she determined she needed more time to reach a decision and had both parties draft competing orders should she rule in their favor. And, it seems the time has come! A decision HAS been made.

The Judge Has Spoken

Pluto in Castle Hub at Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World l
Credit: KtP

Today (July 28, 2023) Judge Margaret H Scheiber DENIED Disney’s motion to dismiss. The conclusion states, “Because this case is not moot and a stay is not proper, the Court hereby denies Disney’s Motion to Dismiss or, in the Alternative, to Stay this Action. Disney shall file its answer to the District’s Corrected Complaint within twenty (20) days of the date of this order.”

Disney LOST its motion to dismiss in the state-level case.

Now, Disney must prepare its answer. We here at will keep you updated on what happens next.

What do you think about the judge’s decision to DENY Disney’s Motion to Dismiss? Let us know in the comments. And, be sure to pass this along to your friends who have been following along with the battle.

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Rena Bricksome

Tuesday 1st of August 2023

So sad, all the hate. Never have we had such division, and what are we getting out of it? Accusations by those who know nothing about the true workings of others. Opinions are fine as long as you don’t force them on others. Those throwing stones were raised on the same grounds as the rest of us, which was a simpler time, Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry and street lights for signals to return home. What are ya trying to fix? If it is society, is it because it screwed you up so bad that you think it MUST be fixed? Or you just need control of everyone and everything because of the bitterness and hatred you created for yourself? Try love and acceptance, quit trying to make everyone fit into what you believe is the ONLY right way.


Monday 31st of July 2023

Anyone who thinks Fox, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, etc are REAL news stations is somewhat delusional. Same with people who use TikTok.

Rayfield Fencher

Monday 31st of July 2023

Do you even know what the word Woke means take some time and go look it up. Stop being Stupid.


Monday 31st of July 2023

Wow! There’s a whole lotta “WOKE” going on here.


Monday 31st of July 2023

He’s the best Gov Florida has ever seen. He’s not allowing all the BS that’s going on in this country to come to FL. We don’t want the WOKENESS here!

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