Disney brought back a beloved and heartwarming show to EPCOT and has multiple shows running each night!
Festival of the Arts
EPCOT’s International Festival of the Arts is happening right now through February 20, 2023. From dozens of food and beverage items to fun photos and a special light show on Spaceship Earth, this festival provides so much fun and entertainment.
Be sure to check out everything NEW for this year’s festival in this post HERE. You can also find all of the menus for the many food locations HERE. In addition, you can see all of the fun Magic Shots for this year HERE.
Spaceship Earth Transformation
Along with other park icons, Spaceship Earth received a Beacons of Magic transformation to celebrate Disney World’s 50th anniversary. In my (Susan) opinion, the best Beacons of Magic is Spaceship Earth at EPCOT.
Spaceship Earth has always looked beautiful during the day and at night, but with the addition of lights and music it is stunning! It might just be my very favorite thing that’s happened for Disney World’s 50th Anniversary Celebration.
Shows Taking Place
This year debuts a colorful Figment Show for EPCOT’s Festival of the Arts. Per Disney, “This technicolor tribute features music that is bound to spark your imagination, along with a spectacle of dazzling lights.”
When this was announced HERE, I was disappointed. Although I knew this would be a great show, I was really wanting to see my (Susan) favorite Spaceship Earth show of all, The Rainbow Connection, with our beloved Kermit.
Well, Disney brought the show back for 2022! Catch a video of it HERE. But, that’s not all! This year EPCOT is running 3 nighttime shows each night for the Festival of the Arts: Figment, EPCOT’s 40th, and The Rainbow Connection.
Watch 3 nighttime shows each night for the Festival of the Arts: Figment, EPCOT’s 40th, and The Rainbow Connection.
Do you enjoy visiting the during EPCOT’s Festival of the Arts? Are you looking forward to all of these Spaceship Earth shows? Please share your thoughts below and share this post with a friend.
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