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The Most Amazing Form of Disney Transportation As Chosen By Disney Fans!

There are so many ways to get around the Walt Disney World Resort. You can fly high above the magic with the Disney Monorail or Skyliner systems, hop aboard a Disney bus, or glide peacefully along the lake on Disney watercraft. Each method of transportation has its pros and cons, but which one is the best? The votes are in! Check out what Disney fans think is the best mode of transportation in Disney World!


Credit: KtP Writer Christina

There are pros and cons to all Disney transportation. Some are too slow, some don’t have a high capacity capability and some are limited in the locations they travel to. There is also the new/old factor. While some will cling to the nostalgia of the monorail systems, others prefer the newer Skyliner option. No matter where you go in Disney, you have probably ridden at least one of these iconic transportation systems.

So which one is the best? We asked YOU to tell us what is your favorite method of Disney transportation and you answered! We asked you to consider some key factors when choosing your favorite mode of Disney transportation system including:

  • Location Accessibility (how many places can you use this transportation at?)
  • Capacity (do you have to wait a long time for this transportation due to low capacity?)
  • Speed (how fast does this transportation get you to where you want to go?)
  • Wait time (how long do you have to wait to get on this transportation?)

Now it’s time to see who is the big winner! 

#4 Disney Bus Transportation

Credit: KtP Writer Christina

Not surprisingly, Disney bus transportation falls in last place. While location accessibly and capacity capability are major ticks in the pro column, it’s not enough to put this transportation system on top.

The reality of the Disney buses is that they are there for convenience and to get as many guests to and from the parks and resorts as possible. They are in no way the most magical form of transportation, especially when Disney would pack people in like sardines and force half the guests to stand the entire trip.

Some negatives about Disney buses that helped it earn its 4th place finish are speed and wait times. Depending on where you are traveling to, the Disney bus system may not be your fastest option even if you don’t have to wait around for the bus to arrive.

Credit: KtP

More often than not, a Disney bus isn’t just waiting for you when you get to your depot. That “every 20 minutes” script Disney uses is a lie we all tell ourselves is true so that we don’t lose the will to carry on when we’re standing at the bus stop for 45 minutes or longer.

There is also a very real possibility that when a bus shows up, you might not get on it if there are a lot of people waiting to board. I once waited through 3 buses at Animal Kingdom to get back to my resort after an exhausting day at the park.

Credit: KtP Writer Christina

One of our readers made an excellent argument for the benefits of the Disney bus system, however. They commented that due to mobility concerns in their travel party, they preferred transportation that has an easier evacuation capability. Buses are much easier to evacuate from than any other form of Disney transportation.

While the Disney bus system is not the most magical, it may still be your best or only option depending on where you are on Disney property. Other forms of Disney transportation are not available everywhere on property, but the Disney buses are. This makes them an important cog in the wheel of Disney Transportation. 

#3. Disney Watercraft

Credit: KtP Writer Christina

Disney watercraft transportation falls in third place, which makes me just a little sad. It may not seem like it at times, but the Disney boats do a really good job in getting you where you need to go fairly quickly. They are also a much more relaxing experience as most of them do not allow for standing guests. You will be able to sit down and decompress before you immerse yourself back into Disney sensory overload again.

The reason Disney watercraft does not rank higher are a few things. One, it is not a widely available form of transportation. You will only be able to use watercraft transportation at the Epcot and Hollywood Studios resorts area, Magic Kingdom resorts area and Disney Springs resorts area. 

Credit: Susan

Secondly, the watercraft do not have a high guest capacity compared to some of the other transportation systems and can result in high wait times. Another thing to keep in mind is ease of accessibility for mobility concerns. While the Friendship boats are very easy to get on and off with scooters and wheelchairs, other Disney watercraft do not have ramps and you are at the mercy of how even the boat can align with the dock.

For these reasons, Disney fans say that there are better forms of transportation in Disney World.

#2. The Monorail

Credit: KtP Writer Christina

Coming in second place is the Disney Monorail system. I know, I’m a little shocked that the monorail didn’t win either because it is almost as iconic as the Magic Kingdom itself. While the monorail fails in the category of location accessibly due to its limited destinations, it excels in many other ways. One important feature of the monorail is that it can carry a large amount of guests to and from in a very expeditious manner. 

It also is a form of transportation that doesn’t often have extended wait time between trains.  Even a long line at the monorail station tends to move much more quickly than bus lines.

We can’t forget the most glaring reason why Disney fans love the monorail so much: it’s magical! There is something truly special about riding the monorail to the parks compared to a bus. It also provides some of the most exceptional views on Disney property and we can’t forget that all too important “air-conditioning factor”.

#1. Disney Skyliner

Credit: KtP Writer Christina

The Disney Skyliner is one of the newest methods of transportation on property, but it has quickly won the hearts of Disney fans far and wide. While the Skyliner system was plagued with many issues upon its debut, it seems like it has mostly found its niche. 

The Skyliner gondolas don’t necessarily hold as many guests per individual unit as some other forms of Disney transportation, but the number of available gondolas, and the rate at which they move (when they move at a continuous pace), keeps this system, as a whole, able to accommodate a large amount of guests. It also helps to keep the wait times lower due to its continuous movement design.

Credit: KtP Writer Christina

While the Skyliner system is not as widely available on Disney property as the buses, it provides some very critical connections across the Walt Disney World Resort. Now, some resorts that only had bus accessibly have been given an alternative and faster option.

While the Skyliner may not be for everyone, especially those worried about emergency evacuations (and those are very real possibilities), air conditioning concerns or fear of heights, many guests say the Skyliner is a magical unique experience. The views are spectacular and you get where you need to go much faster than relying solely on bus transportation. For this, and so many other reasons the Disney Skyliner is the winner of the best transportation in Walt Disney World!

What do you think of this transportation ranking? Did your favorite come out on top? Let us know in the comments below and on Facebook which form of transportation is your favorite and why!


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