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NEW: The Expedition Everest Attraction Closure is Extended

NEW: The Expedition Everest Attraction Closure is Extended

See the new reopening date. What do you think of this news?

Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain

disney patent possible yeti fix
Credit: Maggie

The most thrilling coaster in Disney World is Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain. It is my (Monica) family’s favorite coaster, and we affectionately call it “Yeti.”

Board your train in search of the mysterious Yeti who has been known to terrorize the locals. The journey starts off smoothly, but then we find the tracks are destroyed and we must travel backward. We see a projection of the Yeti and are sent forward (photo op) and circle back up into the mountain. You will get a VERY brief view of the largest Disney animatronic ever built.

Credit: Disney

See why it’s such a beloved attraction at Animal Kingdom? I love the queue line with all the artifacts and information regarding the real search for Yeti. It’s the only ride at Disney that actually makes me scream and not just yell “woo” for fun!


disney patent possible yeti fix
Credit: Disney Photopass of Kenny the Pirate writers

Way back in September of last year, we shared that Expedition Everest will undergo refurbishment from January 4, 2022 until mid-April 2022. That’s 3.5 months!

The refurbishment will likely not include fixing the infamously broken Yeti animatronic. Since that is a structural issue and would require Imagineers to essentially rebuild the mountain, that is too big of a project to squeeze into four months.

You can read more about the broken Yeti HERE. While we did not have a set reopening timeline, we do have a new update for you.

New Reopening Date

Credit: Disney

According to the Disney website, Expedition Everest is set to reopen on May 1. The attraction is on the refurbishment calendar until April 30.

Expedition Everest will reopen on May 1, 2022.

Unfortunately, this mean the reopening has been pushed back from mid-April to late-April. Hopefully we do not see any more extensions. This is such a beloved attraction, and many will be disappointed to hear this news.

Are you visiting Animal Kingdom during this refurbishment? Are you bummed about the extended refurbishment or do you usually skip the ride anyway? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook.

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Monday 28th of March 2022

I just went on the MDE app. I couldn't find the "all hours" tab so I searched for Expedition Everest. The app says the same as the internet site. I am really really really hoping I can't find what you're talking about and that what you're talking about isn't true. :-) First trip back to Disney since covid. Bringing daughter-in-law for her first-ever trip. So want Everest to be opened! :-) So many changes to Disney already since start of covid. :-(


Sunday 27th of March 2022

This is copied and pasted straight off of the Disney World Page: "From January 4 through mid-April 2022, Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain will be closed for refurbishment." What part of the Disney sight says May 1st? It says April not May.

Monica Street

Monday 28th of March 2022

Go to the MDE app, click all hours, click April 30 and scroll down - you will see it states Everest is closed for refurbishment. If you switch over to May 1 it is no longer on the refurb list. Disney just didn't update the webpage for Everest.


Thursday 24th of February 2022

The federal government doesn't regulate that. Amusement parks are a luxury. Apart from safety, it's not something that warrants federal resources nor should taxes be wasted on frivolous suits over something most can't afford. It's known that nothing is guaranteed to be available. You either assume the risks or you don't. It's not some conspiracy. They'd rather have the ride running and reducing lines for other rides than not. If it's not going to be ready and safe in time, they shouldn't rush. Endangering people WOULD warrant investigation.


Tuesday 22nd of February 2022

There needs to be a federal investigation into Disney as too why so many venues are closed or under renovation. Guests go to Disney Parks, pay full ticket prices, and expect every thing to be working. Disney says they coltrol crowds, but it is a lie. Disney should be required to reduce park tickket prices based on the per entage of venues that are not working. I am surprized that a law suit has not been initiated.

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