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Are New Virtual Queues Coming to Walt Disney World?

Are New Virtual Queues Coming to Walt Disney World?

FastPasses continue to be nonexistent, but the crowds at Walt Disney World continue to increase. Many question how Walt Disney World will decrease long lines at attractions. Find out new information concerning virtual queues and which attractions may be affected.

Park Capacity

fast passes returning disney world

Last week, Bob Chapek, Disney CEO, shared with reporter Danielle DiMartino that Walt Disney World has been operating at 25% capacity. You can read all about this HERE.

We have seen many KennythePirate Crew Members share that wait times continue to increase in each of the 4 Walt Disney World Parks.

We have even seen some attraction wait lines extend so far that additional queues have been used, such as with Slinky Dog Dash in Disney’s Hollywood Studios. That line has now extended into the line queue of the The Voyage of the Little Mermaid.

Attraction Lines have extended into queues from other closed attractions in many walt Disney world Parks.

What is a Virtual Queue?

Virtual Queue Boarding Group is accessed on the My Disney Experience app. Gaining a virtual queue simply holds your place in the virtual line for this attraction.

This is similar to a FastPass, but you will receive a notification when it is your time to return to the attraction.

Virtual Queue for Rise of the Resistance

Currently, one attraction at Walt Disney World is utilizing the virtual queue and it has been met with mixed reviews.

In Disney’s Hollywood Studios, you can hear either the cheers of excitement or the groans of defeat at both 10:00am and 2:00pm. Why these mixed emotions?

At these set times, Guests visiting Disney’s Hollywood Studios are able to access a Boarding Group for Star Wars The Rise of the Resistance attraction.

Many Guests have voiced frustrations with technical glitches preventing them from gaining a Boarding Group. This then leads to long lines at Guest Services to try and gain technical support and hopefully join a Boarding Group.

See our detailed guide to gaining a Boarding Group HERE.

New Virtual Queues

The question arises, “Which attractions may receive these virtual queues?” The answer to that question may actually surprise you. Not a huge surprise is an attraction also found in Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Guests may soon be able to gain a virtual queue to Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run.

Guests may soon be able to join a virtual queue for Millennium Falcon: SMuggler’s Run

This would be a great addition for Guests visiting Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The addition of this queue would also help more Star Wars fans to have an opportunity to enjoy the unforgettable attractions in Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge.

The virtual queue that is a little surprising is found in Magic Kingdom. Guests may soon be able to join a virtual queue for Jungle Cruise. Although this is a favorite attraction for my family, it seems that a few other attractions in Magic Kingdom may benefit more from a virtual queue

jungle cruise may also receive a virtual queue very soon.

What do you think about more virtual queues being added? Which virtual queues do you think should be added next? Do you think they should simply bring back FastPasses instead? Share your thoughts with us on our Facebook Page.

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Thursday 22nd of October 2020

I hate the virtual queues. I don’t like everyone having to get to the park at the same time. If more rides have these awful queues what happens if you pay good money to go to a park and you can’t get a pass for the rides you want? For years the fast passes have worked. Then just wait in lines for the other rides you want to ride. Plus if I’m paying this much to stay on property I think I should be able to ride any ride I want to ride.


Monday 19th of October 2020

Virtual Queues would be good IF they're not as limited as they are with ROR. There really does need to be some sort of relief for the outlandishly long lines that have been occurring! I don't know if that answer is Fast Past or Virtual Queues, but whatever it is, it needs to be done. Frankly, I think opening live shows & more food options would help these lines, but I'm no expert.

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