Are you looking to bring a bit of Disney magic home? Disney is offering a unique gift with the purchase of select Frozen 2 merchandise that will be available for a select time.
Frozen Merchandise
There has been much debate between Disney fans if Frozen or Frozen 2 is the better movie. My family equally loves both movies. I remember the frenzy that surrounded the first Frozen movie. Merchandise was hard to come by, and Elsa dolls were selling for inflated amounts on eBay.

My daughter was quite taken by Elsa at the time, and all she wanted for her birthday was an Elsa doll. We searched high and low, and we were finally able to purchase one that was a reasonable price. I still remember the joy and happiness that the doll brought to my daughter.
Frozen 2 Merchandise
With Frozen 2 comes an interesting character development between Anna and Elsa. Without giving away any spoilers (has anyone really not yet seen this movie?), the new challenges that these sisters face led to a need for a wardrobe change.

On November 22, 2019 when Frozen 2 began showing in theaters, both Anna and Elsa could be found in their new royal attire at Disney parks. Disney guests were loving their new costumes as seen in the new film. You can read more about that HERE.
Frozen 2 Dolls
My daughters informed me that a costume change for Anna and Elsa also required new Frozen 2 dolls. Very smooth Disney, very smooth. Little princesses all across the royal land were also voicing similar desires for Frozen 2 Anna and Elsa dolls.

These new dolls are simply stunning. They are sure to bring a bit of magic and fun to any playtime.
Special Disney Key Offer
On Saturday, March 14, 2020 starting at 7:00 am (Pacific Time) guests are able to receive a free gift with the purchase of both the Anna and the Elsa doll from Frozen 2.

Guests can either purchase these dolls at their local Disney Store or these dolls may be purchased online.
Those guests purchasing both of these dolls will receive this collective Olaf inspired Disney key (while supplies last). I know what you are thinking, who needs a key when “Love is an open door,” but you don’t want to miss out on this collectible key as quantities are limited.
Will you be grabbing these limited-edition dolls and Disney ley? Share your pictures and memories with both Anna and Elsa on our facebook page and KtP Crew Planning Group.
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