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Are Maleficent and The Queen from Snow White being eliminated from Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party?

Are Maleficent and The Queen from Snow White being eliminated from Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party?

There’s a verse in the Bible that says, “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”  If the evidence that some are being presented is accurate, all kinds of evil is being stirred up for the hard-ticket event known as Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party.  But it may not be the kind of wink and nod, Disney evil that you’re expecting.

In previous years many of Disney’s most famous villains have met with guests following the Villains Mix & Mingle held at the Castle Stage in the Magic Kingdom.  This allowed guests the opportunity to meet Maleficent and the Queen from Snow White among others.  Some of these villains are being promised for meet and greets including Jafar in Adventureland and the Queen of Hearts at the Mad Tea Party.  Other villains like the Tremaines (who previously offered a meet and greet), Dr. Faciler, Frollo and Cruella de Vil are being moved to only a Dance Party environment at “Club Villain.”  The villains will no longer meet after the Mix and Mingle and it’s now being called The Villains Mix and Mingle – Live on Stage.  It’s even being reduced from 4 shows to 3!  Why in the world would you keep the word Mingle in the name when they aren’t going to mingle with paying guests?  Who knows.

:)  Shawn Slater on August 27th, 2014 at 8:37 am

Rachael – Happy Birthday! And here’s my present to you… Judge Claude Frollo is expected to make appearances inside Club Villain during the Halloween party! The villains will not be coming down to meet Guests after the “Villains Mix & Mingle” show, as they have in the past. By having them around the park, though, they will be available most of the night and able to see as many Guests as possible. 

But this is where the love of money comes into the tale.  Disney World recently announced a $99 per person ‘Villains Soiree’ which promised a meet and greet with many villains including Maleficent and The Queen among others.  Before the Soiree event was released, the Disney Parks Blog promised it’s readers that Maleficent and the Queen would meet with Aurora and Snow White inside Princess Fairytale Hall for any guest paying the 60 to 70 bucks per person extra to attend the party itself.  Well, that promise has been withdrawn with a simple press of the delete key.

It appears that Maleficent and the Queen will not meet with regular paying guests and will only meet with guests who paid an extra $99 per person at that Villains Soiree dessert and parade/fireworks viewing event.  Their blog post was edited and the comments below the post are now telling people that Cinderella and Rapunzel will meet in their regular spot instead.  BAD SHOW!  This means that a family of four would have to pay $636 just to meet Maleficent and the Queen and you’ll only find the exact same characters in Fairytale Hall that meet during the day and offer Fastpass+ then too!

36Amber on August 23rd, 2014 at 11:47 am

Does this mean that Rapunzel and Cinderella won’t be at the party? :(

Shawn Slater on August 28th, 2014 at 11:05 am
Amber – You will be able to find them inside Princess Fairytale Hall.

First they promise guests that they will meet Aurora/Maleficent and The Queen/Snow White in Princess Fairytale Hall (which seemed like a really popular meet waiting to happen), then offer an upsell event that was optional to guests that already paid to enter the party, then remove your promise to meet these villains and make them exclusive to this highly upcharged event only?  I have no issues with companies wishing to make money on their products, but to take away all the Princes, then promise this special meet and greet, only to remove it shortly after with a few backspaces and a couple of comments following the post is a pretty bad way to treat guests that are already paying a premium fee to enter the party.  I thought we were taught to keep our promises when we were children?  It appears that there could be all kinds of evil at the Halloween Party, but it’s the kind that comes from greed.

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Saturday 8th of August 2015

Any word or ideas on what's happening this year? I haven't seen anything about the Soiree happening in 2015 and I am hoping against all odds that Maleficent will be a meet-and-greet character this year because she's by far my favorite villain. Since they are doing the Hocus Pocus show instead, I'm sure they still aren't going to have the "mingle" part with the villains, so I'm hopeful they're either doing Maleficent/Aurora and Evil Queen/Snow White at Fairytale Hall or even have them at the dance party. I'll be keeping my eyes open on all the blogs once the parties actually start for details.


Saturday 8th of August 2015

We should know pretty soon.


Friday 5th of September 2014

I am disappointed by this as well. We were looking forward to the princes first - gone, then the cool replacement of the princess and villain - now gone again.

BUT...(Must say something positive) We LOVEd our first Halloween party a few years ago and did not hit some of the major fun things - 7 Dwarfs or Hitch Hiking host photo and we love those dance parties so a chance to dance with villains is awesome. I cost of the party is so worth it when you can be in the park at 4 - we even have 3 FP+ planned for the time before the party begins.

BUT this special ticket - way way be mistake I think. I have seen a review of someone who attended and it was less then kind - including the cost - payout feeling. A regular dessert party runs 30-40 at high season so even with the addition of characters I guess I would go up t 50 BUT that means you are paying 50 for 2 special viewing spaces??? 50 for a FP??? nope.

Kenny - Thanks for allowing people to share comments - good and bad and thanks for telling us the truth as you get it. I am glad you will not attend this event and know you will still have great memories to share about the MNSSHP


Saturday 6th of September 2014

Welcome! Only comments I delete are spam and ones that attack other people. Otherwise feel free to share your opinions.


Thursday 4th of September 2014

From what I can gather the Soiree is only selling 150 per tickets each night. I am wondering if they are hoping to sell the event out entirely and then add the villians back into PFTH??? Surely they must have a couple folks playing each of these characters!!! My fingers are crossed that Disney will do right and make the villians more accessible!!!


Friday 5th of September 2014

You won't be seeing Villains at PFTH


Saturday 30th of August 2014

I'm so incredibly disappointed in Disney. I think it's beyond rotten to post that blog on the Disney Parks site stating that Maleficent and the Evil Queen would be meeting with Aurora and Snow White, in place of the princes this year, and then to remove it less than a week before the first party. If they're only available at the Soiree for $100/person, that will really prove Disney's incredible greed. They know how popular Maleficent is, especially after the 3+ hour waits for her at Villains Unleashed, and to pull this crap? It's just horrible.


Saturday 30th of August 2014

I hope that that somehow a Disney will turn this around. We have become huge fans of the MNSSHP and are attending our 4th this year. We were looking forward to meeting the Evil Queen and Maleficent with their princesses as something new and different. First they remove the princes and now the villains. No offense to the lovely princesses but we can meet them in the parks on a regular day while the others are more rare, The only reason for this is Disney is taking advantage of the guests due to the popularity of the villains. It is a Halloween party so of course we want to see the villains. It's insulting to tell guests who have already paid extra for the party that they have to pay even more to see certain characters. Very bad Disney, really. If the Soirée tickets are successful then there's no telling how far Disney will go with making characters available only for those who pay even more money. If people speak with their wallets and don't go to the Soirée maybe Disney will see that they crossed a line. Unfortunately people will probably shell out another $100 a person to attend (which is ridiculous) and that I'm afraid is the beginning of a slippery slope.


Sunday 31st of August 2014

People are totally buying the tickets. On the disboards, many people said when the event was announced, they were on hold for an hour trying to book it, and either they did or their date was sold out. Disney also released a second party time on the later dates, I'm guessing since the other bookings were so successful. I'm not crazy about the fact that we're already paying for a special event and now there's another special event being held within the original, that's almost one a half times the original cost, but the thing that's making me angry is that they're getting characters which, as it stands right now, have been snatched away from the rest of us.

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