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Making dreams come true

In 2007 I had the opportunity to live a dream at Disneyland by performing (too briefly) as the pirate Bad Mood t’ Blackhearted.  I had the opportunity to sing some sea shanties with the infamous Bootstrappers pirate band, had fun messing with guests and bringing a few smiles to people’s faces.  It was a fantastic weekend of memories.  Well, those memories wouldn’t have been reality in large part without the efforts of my friend Paul.  Many Disneyland regulars will know Paul as being the “close friend” of Farruco.  Farruco gave up a great deal of his time to teach us songs, how to interact as pirates and genereally show us a terrific time.

I’ve always been a person who likes to “pay it forward” for others.  I recently received a message from Paul requesting a little help in trying to get his film Through the Veil produced.  He has a dream of being an actor and director.  He wasn’t requesting any money, nor am I.  He is promoting his film idea on a website called  What he needs is “hype” or people who say they they would love to see the film become reality.  I’ve decided to ask you to help his dream come true.  Without Paul, there wouldn’t be a KennythePirate, a website, character schedules, character information, apps etc… So, let’s take a moment and show Paul and his “friend” Farruco what the Disney community can do to support his dreams!

Paul said we can hype once per day each.

Here’s the message Paul sent me…

Dread Pirate Kenny!
Long time no see! I hope you’re well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I wanted to reach out and ask your help in making one of my biggest dreams come true.
***I’m not asking for money, only a minute of your time! :)***
As you may know, I’ve written a screenplay (entitled “Through the Veil”) which my team and I are trying to get made into a film. Getting this movie produced would mean everything to me, and YOU can have a direct effect on our chances to do so. Please help!

We’re campaigning on a new website (FilmBreak) that matches film investors with Independent projects like mine. This site highlights films that get a lot of “HYPE” and “shares” on other social media (twitter, Facebook, etc…). The more people that sign in and “HYPE” our project, the more attractive we become to investors. Over the past week, we’ve been fortunate to receive enough support to hold the “#2 most popular” spot, but we need your help to keep the momentum going.

It only takes a minute, and would mean the world to me if you could log in and HYPE our project. Just click over to:
and click the “Hype” button on the thermometer. It’ll ask you to create an account, which is quick and simple. Our score will go up even more if you click the FaceBook share icon (but if you don’t want to share it on your timeline, I totally understand). If you want to go the extra mile, you can even click back and HYPE us once each day!

Thank you for your time, and your help making this dream a reality. Happy Holidays!

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Paul Carganilla

Sunday 25th of November 2012

Thank you soooo much for the support, Kenny! You are a GREAT friend. :)

sa scrap

Sunday 25th of November 2012

I did! my dd1 would LOVE this film. She gets into the paranormal a little too much for me....

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