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An update on Florida vs Disney and Reedy Creek’s Dissolution

An update on Florida vs Disney and Reedy Creek’s Dissolution

The plan to dissolve Reedy Creek is moving along. Here is the latest.

Florida vs Disney

Credit: Monica

The last year has been a bit turbulent between the state of Florida and The Walt Disney Company. Florida passed the Parental Rights in Education Law in 2022. The Walt Disney Company originally remained quiet surrounding this bill despite pleas from employees and fans for them to take an official stance. Tension built until CEO Bob Chapek denounced the bill, but many believed it was too little, too late.

The company has even gone so far to say that they would actively work to get the bill repealed, which caused DeSantis to retaliate in his own public speakings.

The tension between the company and the state continued worsen as state Republicans repealed the Reedy Creek Improvement Act of 1967. Essentially, the law states that Disney is its own governing body in the two cities and land within Orange and Osceola counties. While much of that situation remains unresolved, this friction may cause Disney to think twice.


Governor DeSantis expects a special session to take place next week regarding Reedy Creek. The special session would consider the proposed state takeover.

Right now Disney can make its own laws, zone its own land, and essentially do whatever they want within those limits. By stripping the company of those abilities, Disney would be regulated by Orange and Osceola Counties. Emergency services would be responsible for calls on Disney property. Disney would also have to seek approval for new attractions, restaurants, and hotels.

The dissolution, if completed, would occur in June 2023.

How does this affect your trip?

Credit: Jamie F

For the time being, expect little to no changes. However, if the dissolution does happen expect more interference from the state regarding Disney World’s affair. If Disney is not able to govern itself and is subject to the same laws as everyone else, we may notice a few minor changes.

For example, emergency services would come from Orange and Osceola counties, not Reedy Creek. This may not be a bad thing. We have covered the issues Reedy Creek emergency services has faced in the past. You can read about that HERE.

What’s your take on Disney vs Florida? Let us know in the comments below and share this post with a friend to continue the discussion.

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Thursday 2nd of February 2023

What people? Have you been to Disney? Short Lines....? Your crazy reply has bot written all over it.

Aaron Bredon

Thursday 2nd of February 2023

Expect no changes. Disney will challenge the law as unconstitutional as Reedy Creek was established with rules in the Florida Constitution preventing it's dissolution or takeover. To take over the district requires a change in the Florida Constitution, AND cannot be done until all pending bonds mature and there is no debt. DeSantis doesn't have the votes to amend the Florida Constitution, and instead is passing unconstitutional laws to force Disney to pay large amounts of money in court. This could well backfire. Disney could, if it wished, issue bonds with no/low interest and a maturation date of 2050 and a ruinous early dissolution clause that would leave the state in massive debt if it attempted to end the debt early.


Thursday 2nd of February 2023

I think you might be underestimating the conglomerate known as Disney. T

John Philips

Wednesday 1st of February 2023

Disney made a very unfortunate decision in siding with a very small minority to embarrass the State of Florida in a law that protects 6,7 and 8 year old school children. Disney needed to side with its primary constituents young children, and the rights of their parents. People are saying Disney wait times for exhibits are very short, crowds are staying away. Now we know why Disney changed it CEO almost immediately

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