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A New Sneak Peek Surfaces for Space 220 Restaurant

A New Sneak Peek Surfaces for Space 220 Restaurant

We have a new sneak peek of Space 220 Restaurant! If you are anticipating this opening, you will want to check it out.

Space 220 Restaurant

Credit: Zach Riddley Instagram

Fans who have visited Epcot recently have seen firsthand the construction projects that come with Epcot’s reimagining. And, part of that reimagining is a new restaurant called Space 220.

If I (KatieP) am being honest, this restaurant is one of the things I am looking forward to most, second only to the absence of the maze of construction walls. It just sounds like such a fun dining experience.

To recap, Space 220 is a new table service restaurant, which will be located next to Mission: SPACE. Upon entering the restaurant, guests will take a special elevator. That elevator will whisk them to the restaurant’s setting 220 miles above Earth (but not really).

Credit: Disney

Guests are made to feel like they are docking next to the Centauri Space Station, which is suspended just beyond the orbit of Mission: SPACE. From there, they will be able to enjoy daytime and nighttime views of Earth.

When brought to their seats, guests will walk past the grow zone, which is a spinning wall of produce that is meant to mimic the Earth’s gravity. The produce will represent the fresh ingredients used by the culinary team.

New Sneak Peek

Credit: Space220 Fla

The restaurant’s new sneak peek focuses on that special elevator – the one that will launch the guest experience as it carries them to the meal experience. The restaurant has released concept art for that elevator.

We have had views of what seems to be the interior of the elevator and what guests will see as it rises. However, this is our first glimpse at the design for outside!

Credit: Space220 Fla

We also got some new art depicting astronauts working on what appears to be some sort of construction project. Perhaps this will be one of the scenes guest view while they dine.

It is unclear what it is for; however, it will be exciting to see it take shape over the next few weeks. I can’t wait to see it in person!

When Can I Go?

Credit: Disney

If you are anything like me, you can’t wait to get a taste of Space. Fellow KtP Writer Donna broke the news that Space 220 will begin accepting passengers on September 20, 2021! For her full story, read here.

Unfortunately, we still have no information on when and how to obtain reservations for what is sure to be a very popular dining experience. But, rest assured the KtP writing team will keep you abreast of any updates, so stay tuned!

Are you jazzed to visit Space220? Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook page. Or, keep the conversation going and share them with us in our crew, too!

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Sunday 12th of September 2021

Not just yet, but we are keeping an eye on it!

Lanez Cragan

Sunday 12th of September 2021

Exciting ! Any idea what the menu might look like?

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