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Guest Caught with Weapons and Ammunition at a Disney World Resort

Guest Caught with Weapons and Ammunition at a Disney World Resort

A Guest checked into a Disney World Resort hotel with a handgun, AR-15 rifle, and several magazines of ammunition. Find out why he brought them below.

Man Brought Weapons onto Walt Disney World Property

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According to Orlando Sentinel, a Guest brought weapons and ammunition during a Labor Day visit to Disney’s Polynesian Village.

According to a newly released sheriff’s incident report, the 43 year old man checked into Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort with his weapons in a tennis bag. The incident occurred on the Saturday during Labor Day Weekend.

The bellman handling the Guest’s bags was suspicious of why the bag was so heavy. He then made the discovery. It’s unclear whether he opened the bag or just felt the outside. The bellman then alerted his manager and the sheriff’s office was called to the scene.

The man brought a handgun, an AR-15 rifle, and five magazines of ammunition.

As a reminder, weapons of any kind are banned on Walt Disney World property.

“Our policy is clear that guns or weapons of any kind are not allowed at our resort regardless of whether someone has a permit,” Disney spokeswoman Andrea Finger said in a statement to Orlando Sentinel.

Questioning the Man

The sheriff’s office questioned the man and came to the conclusion that the Guest had a concealed carry permit. The sheriff’s office did not arrest the man. Instead, they gave him his weapons back, and Disney held onto his weapons until the end of his stay.

“No arrests were made because no laws were broken,” the sheriff’s office said Tuesday when Orlando Sentinel try to reach them for comment.

The handgun stayed at the Polynesian while the rifle was held at Animal Kingdom Lodge.

Why the Guest Brought the Weapons

When questioned by the sheriff’s office, the man told authorities he brought the weapons and ammunition on Disney World property because he was concerned about protests.

“He brought the rifle with him for their safety because of the riots and civil unrest going on down south and in the Central Florida area,” the incident report said.

You may remember a female Guest brought handguns in her diaper bag to EPCOT back in July. You can read more about that HERE.

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Stacey Martella-Ferris

Wednesday 14th of October 2020

Sandy I totally agree


Wednesday 14th of October 2020

Unbelievable! So they banned a guest for not wearing a mask and said he was trespassing but they let a guest in with all those weapons that could be planning an attack? Thats ridiculous and suspicious!

Stacey Martella-Ferris

Tuesday 13th of October 2020

Wow. Seriously, why in the world do you need an Ar-15. Especially in DISNEY WORLD. correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Disney's policy was it didn't matter if you had a permit, no weapons under any circumstances are allowed.

Sandy C

Tuesday 13th of October 2020

Thanks, Kenny.

Bob OBrien

Tuesday 13th of October 2020

Man has no common sense. He should have been removed and banned. I wonder how many others did not get caught.

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