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Update on my personal health KtP

Update on my personal health KtP

Recently, I informed you all of my recent health struggles and how I intended to live a more healthy lifestyle.  I changed my diet and stepped out of owning a travel agency as major steps.  Here’s the results of my latest blood tests.

When I was diagnosed with Diabetes and Hypertension in late July I was terrified and wanted to fix my health immediately. I know the cost of uncontrolled diabetes is losing your eyes, feet and legs. I sought for dietary recommendations and met with a dietician. After the consultation I found that having a Keto Friendly eating plan would improve my health. I try to exercise by walking daily as well.  Here’s the results after slightly over 2 months.

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July 25
Weight 214.4
Blood sugar 130 (While in the hospital, it was 344 with injections to bring it down. I was taking Metformin to reach 130 by July 25)
A1c 11.1
HDL Cholesterol 42
LDL Cholesterol 155
Triglycerides 158
Non HDL Cholesterol 184
Total Cholesterol 226
Cholesterol ration 5.4
Bilirubin 2.2

October 4
Weight 185.5
Blood sugar 97 (I stopped taking diabetes medicine after 2 weeks as it crashed my blood sugar)
A1c 6.0 (for someone with known diabetes, a value under 7 indicates that their diabetes is well controlled)
HDL Cholesterol 48 (higher is better)
LDL Cholesterol 129 (dropping is great)
Triglycerides 103
Non HDL Cholesterol 150
Total Cholesterol 198
Cholesterol ratio 4.1
Bilirubin 1.5

This was the results after just over 2 months :)  My nurse considers me “the model patient.”  I attend weekly Diabetes education classes to make sure I stay the course.  I use it as my Sugarholic support group.  My name is Kenny and I have not consumed added sugar in over 2 months.

I’ve been honored to hear from many readers that my improvements have encouraged them to get more healthy.  One of my challenge friends, Ryan, has lost 21 pounds in two months and said he is feeling really great.

I thought you might like to hear some good news!


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Thursday 17th of October 2019

Excellent news Kenny, Congrats!

May your success motivate you to stay on the path towards better health! Your readers are proud of you! *Chants in a whisper, Moana style* “Kenny, Kenny, Kennnnnnnnnny!!! You’re so amaziiiiiing!!!”

Gee. Hope that wasn’t creepy! ;)

Angela Thomas

Thursday 17th of October 2019

That is amazing news Kenny! I’m so very happy for you. I know it is not easy. Keep up the new lifestyle changes – The Best is yet to come!


Wednesday 16th of October 2019

KtP - I’m so happy for you! Glad to hear that your new lifestyle is a success! Keep it up! Thank you for all you do!


Wednesday 16th of October 2019

Wow, I'm thrilled to hear about your continued success. Changing patterns can be challenging, but you are following a good path, and I'm so very happy to hear it's working out for you. Please know that we are lurking out here on the FB pages and in you app, and that you have made a positive influence in our families lives. Thank you and hugs to you and your family.

Meagan Ackroyd

Tuesday 15th of October 2019

That’s awesome – Congrats!!!

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