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Full script for the NEW Pirates of the Caribbean Auction scene

Full script for the NEW Pirates of the Caribbean Auction scene

Several months ago Disney announced that they were changing the popular (yet controversial by some) auction scene in Pirates of the Caribbean.  It had many people debating the scene here on my website and on my Facebook page and  Facebook group.  Well, you may see a number of videos of the new scene come forward today and can’t quite make out some of the audio.  Here’s the actual script of the new scene.

This is the full scene that was comprised of multiple rides on Pirates of the Caribbean at the Magic Kingdom after it re-opened from refurbishment today.

Auctioneer: Now you scurvy scum, do I hear ten? A hen for a ten

Pirate: Ten, I’ll give ya twenty… for the rum

Auctioneer: Pipe down you lilly-livered lubber.

Strike yer feathers dearie, show em yer flock.

Redd: Eh, send them hens to Davey Jones. It’s the rum they want!

Pirates: Yeh, the rum!

Redd: Ha, ha, ha. Drink up me hearties, yo ho!”

Auctioneer: Quiet ye scum (gunshots)

Weigh anchor now ye swabbies, what be I offered for these hearty hens? Everyone an egg layer

Other pirate: Not lest they be layin golden eggs

Auctioneer: Belay there ye bilge rat!

Redd: Oh quit yer cluckin’ the gentlemen want the rum, don’t ya boys?

Pirates: We wants the rum!

I offer the script without editorial comment, but what are YOUR thoughts on the new script?

I would politely ask that you share the link to this page, and not screenshot or copy and paste the information as I invested my time in getting the information for my readers.  Thank you, KennythePirate.

Image copyright Disney

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Tuesday 21st of November 2023

I can understand why they wanted to change it, though I think the original scene was fine, but the new scene and dialogue sucks. It literally makes ZERO sense that they would want to buy this crap when they can just plunder it themselves (The new auctioneer is brain-dead). Also, the references to the old dialogue makes me want to vomit. The auctioneer saying "Strike yer feathers dearie, show em yer flock," somehow sounds even more sexual than the original line.

Darth Sied

Sunday 7th of August 2022

A slave auction as a set up for a fat joke probably isn’t the best content for family entertainment. Also did someone try to argue that owning slaves and drinking alcohol are nearly morally equivalent?!

William Hogshead

Tuesday 14th of January 2020

Now I can understand some people don’t like the change, but for me personally, I’m okay with either version.

Besides I kinda like how Red is now a pirate too with more movement than when she was a prize to be sold off. Besides back in the caves with the skeletons playing chess, there was a painting of a red haired pirate on the wall, even long before this change. So in my opinion, making Red Hair a pirate during the change ties her more consistently to that foreshadowing painting.


Thursday 31st of May 2018

The new scene bugs me so much. Clearly it was changed because someone complained about the situation of the women, because the mermaid skeleton is gone from the ride as well. I’m a female, but in my opinion, Pirates of the Caribbean was never a movie that gave women respect or much power. The new scene just seems out of place with the rest of the ride and the fandom.

Tim K

Wednesday 16th of May 2018

Who’s the new voice of the auctioneer? It sure isn’t Paul Frees.


Wednesday 16th of May 2018

They never revealed the new voice actors

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