If you’re reading this post, which you must be, you are in the .001% of all guests that visit Walt Disney World each year. Most people wandering the park don’t know about these schedules or facts. Why is that important? Because you read this blog, you can access information that most people aren’t aware of. One of those details is that you can actually MEET Indiana Jones! Indy will meet with you and autograph your favorite item.
All you need to do is be willing to stay after the show. If you are looking at the stage, he will meet near the center right section on the stage. He will be REALLY sweaty, because he just completed his performance, but he’s always been super nice to our family when we have met him. Be polite and ask, don’t demand to meet him. Courtesy always goes a long way.
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Saturday 12th of November 2016
On our last trip, we followed this advice and we were greatly rewarded. My son loves Indy, so a meeting was a must. They had a great exchange - so good that another family recorded it. We're going back next week and will do it again (and will try to make Character Palooza this time!). Thank you so much for all of the tips you offer!
Victoria Olivier
Wednesday 5th of October 2016
Hi kenny do you have any tips for meeting Lumiere after Beauty and the Beast in HW studios ? I see on fb and ig post that he does pose for pics ?
Wednesday 5th of October 2016
No that's only for Cast Members or people who are friends of the show cast. "Exclusive" meet they usually call it
Monday 20th of June 2016
We recently followed this advice in hopes our 8 year old Indy fan would meet him, but we didn't have any luck. We asked a cast member and she told us that she had never seen Indy come out afterwards for pics or signatures.
Monday 20th of June 2016
Doesn't sign
Monday 20th of June 2016
I've done it at least a dozen times, but he may not appear after every show. Also met Marion and German Mechanic
Wednesday 13th of April 2016
Hi Kenny, I notice this is a rather dated post. Does Indy still do this meet and greet after the show? Going in late May and my boy has just discovered the series.
Wednesday 13th of April 2016
Still happens. Pay no attention to the date things were written. I update frequently.
Monday 22nd of June 2015
We were just at the Park in early June 2015 and followed your advice. We met Indy and Marion. They signed my kids' autograph books and posed for a picture. They were very nice but definitely didn't come over for meet and greets until most of the audience was cleared out. There were about 4 or 5 families that stayed and waited to meet them.