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Disney Moves Forward with Utilizing More Drone Technology

Disney Moves Forward with Utilizing More Drone Technology

Do you enjoy seeing new technology being introduced in the theme parks at Disney? Are you hoping to see Disney utilize drones in their shows? A new patent seems to suggest that the use of this technology will begin to be used much more!

Disney Drone Shows

Disney is Moving Forward with Utilizing More Drone Technology
Credit: Disney

Some theme parks and other places of recreation have begun to utilize drones in their nighttime shows. One example that has already begun for Disney is over in Disneyland Paris.

Could we be seeing similar shows come to Orlando, Florida soon? Take a look at this post and see why we think that it is a definite possibility.

Fireworks and nighttime projections are fantastic for Disney shows, but the use of drones would take the shows to an entirely new level!

New Patent

Disney is Moving Forward with Utilizing More Drone Technology
Credit: U.S. Patent No. 11,899,470 –

In a new patent filed by Disney Enterprises, Inc., it suggests that Disney is moving a step towards utilizing this kind of technology within their parks. The patent entitled, Airframe of a Volitant Body is related to a protective cage.

It is common for drones to have propellers and rail guards. Because of this, sometimes it is unsafe for anyone controlling the drones. The new casing or airframe would encase the drone for protection.

The patent goes on to explain that one of the aspects of the invention is its “responsiveness at low speed to maintain static position in space (hover), stability/resistance at high speed to make it easy to fly”.

Could we see a new Star Wars show?

Disney is Moving Forward with Utilizing More Drone Technology
Credit: D23

Keen observers might find similarities between the patent figures and the pram similar to what we have seen in Disney’s hit series, The Mandalorian.

Disney is Moving Forward with Utilizing More Drone Technology
Credit: U.S. Patent No. 11,899,470 –

In Figure 3 of the patent, it certainly does seem to look like something that could be used. It is difficult to say whether or not this is for a Mandalorian type show, but it is worth speculating. It is more likely for protecting the drones utilized in their shows. Whatever the case may be, we are excited and hoping to see this type of technology here in the United States!

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