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Breaking: Swift Exit for Head of Disney Imagineering

Breaking: Swift Exit for Head of Disney Imagineering

Disney Imagineering serves as the real magic behind The Walt Disney Company. They dream big, look ahead for “Blue Sky” projects, and deliver unbelievable experiences for Disney guests. Without warning, the head of this department will be leaving. Find out all that we know so far.

Disney Imagineers

Credit: Kate

Imagineers are the creative force behind Disney Parks around the world. From restaurants and attractions to entire hotels, they work very hard to bring the magic to us.

Walt Disney assembled the first Imagineers in 1952 to help him bring Disneyland to life. Later that year, Imagineering became its own entity to help distinguish it from studio productions.

Imagineer is a mash-up for Imagine and Engineer – bringing creativity and technology together. In the 71 years Imagineering has been around, we have gotten cutting-edge technology like Stuntronics trackless attractions. Be sure to check out what new technology is on the horizon HERE.

Change in Leadership

Upcoming Event Promises to Share More Details for Tiana's Bayou Adventure
Credit: Donna

In 2016, Bob Weis became president of Walt Disney Imagineering and served in this role until 2021. To prepare for his departure, Barabara Bouza was named the new president of Imagineering.

Bouza had big shoes to fill, and many projects were on the horizon taking her position in November 2021. Without much warning, Bouza announced today that she will be leaving her position next month.

Today, on Instagram, Bouza shares It is bittersweet as I wrap up my work as president of Walt Disney Imagineering this month before I create an even bigger impact for (the) world. Stay tuned!”

Future of Imagineering

Credit: Kate

In this Instagram post, Bouza does mention that Walt Disney Imagineering will be in good hands with her partner, Bruce Vaughn. Vaughn is currently serving as Chief Creative Officer.

Vaughn references the big projects still to come with the promised $60 billion investment in park growth over the next 10 years. We look forward to what this new chapter in Walt Disney Imagineering will look like.

Be sure to check out the full Instagram announcement:

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Saturday 9th of March 2024

I am not sure if she executed on the Woke vision as a believer or if she carried out orders with undue influence from above. I suspect the latter. Why else would someone in that position leave with a huge budget to work with? To the extent that she owns the Tiana / Splash Mountain make over, it's boring, at best. Tron took forever to complete and is missing a back story, unlike Guardians of the Galaxy, which is a very good attraction. I think there was too much interference from above. In the early days, Walt's input was welcome by the Imagineers because Walt was a creative genius and visionary. Bob Iger has neither of these attributes.

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