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How much money will Bob Chapek get when he leaves?

How much money will Bob Chapek get when he leaves?

We have an estimated number for how much money Bob Chapek may receive when he leaves The Walt Disney Company.

Bob Chapek

Credit: The Walt Disney Company

When Bob Iger retired in February 2020, Bob Chapek took his place as CEO of The Walt Disney Company. He took charge right before the parks closed in March of 2020. Chapek has been in charge for over two years, overseeing the parks, entertainment, and more.

Many claim he is the CEO Disney needs right now, but many also have other strong feelings for him. According to most of you, he has a had a very turbulent tenure as CEO of The Walt Disney Company. Even recently, Disney stock is the lowest it has been since that historic park closure.

Now that Bob Iger is officially back, Chapek is looking to cash out big time.

Estimated Exit Pay

Credit: The Walt Disney Company

Based on calculations by Bloomberg News, Bob Chapek is expected to leave the company with $23M. The Board recently extended his contract for three years (ending in mid-2025), and he is entitled to collect his salary for the full duration of his term.

Not only that, but Chapek is also entitled to the pension he accumulated during his time with company. According to filings, that is estimated at almost $17M.

Bloomberg News anticipates Chapek’s exit pay will be $23M – not including his pension.

Screenshot: Disney

This does not even include the stock options and awards he has in The Walt Disney Company. If stock picks back up (which it likely will), the value will go up for him.

Bear in mind Disney has not released any of this information, and they may never do so. These are just estimates, but it still stands to reason Chapek won’t leave the company broke.

What do you think of his payout? Do you think he deserves it? Let us know in the comments below and on Facebook.


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Tuesday 22nd of November 2022

He should have been fired before the contract extension. But Disney will come out ahead even paying the contract out. With him gone the parks can be great again


Monday 21st of November 2022

Chapak shouldn't get anything, except his pay from work already done. When anyone else gets fired, there is NO severance package. Yes, retired. But NOT fired!!


Monday 21st of November 2022

He definitely show pay Disney shareholders, DVC members and employees back for all his poor decisions.

Jon N

Monday 21st of November 2022

I’m sure he deserves some severance package but nowhere near 23/50 million dollars…….for arguments sake all of his “ideas” were disasters…..extra cost and everyone with their heads buried in their cell phones…..if Walt or Roy were alive they would have had his head a long time ago (2 1/2 years)……although he did have the Covid problem to deal with and managed his way thru it…..maybe 2 million and lifetime membership….jmo

Kathy b.

Monday 21st of November 2022

Ok, he should get something, but 23 million dollars, boy I guess he accumulated all his treasure before stepping down ,no reason to put up a fight with all he is getting. He should give some back to the parks and people he ripped off.

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