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Another health and safety measure removed from Walt Disney World

Another health and safety measure removed from Walt Disney World

As more and more Americans receive vaccinations, Walt Disney World is slowly returning to its pre-COVID state. Another health and safety measure is starting to be removed in Walt Disney World, but this measure was one we actually preferred! Read more below.

Trash Cans

There is no question about it, trash cans are germy places.

When the focus is primarily on health and safety for your Guests and Cast Members, trash cans can be problematic.

Disney had a great solution for this dirty little problem. When the Parks and Resorts reopened in July 2020, all trash can lids were propped open.

We LOVED this new change! Goodbye, dirty trash can lids! Now, all we had to do when throwing away our trash was drop it in the trash without touching the germy lid.

So you can imagine our dismay when we learned of the latest health and safety measure pull back in Walt Disney World, and you’ve probably already guessed where its coming from. That’s right, trash cans.

Some trash can lids are no longer being propped open in Walt Disney World.

Now, Guests will have to push the lids open themselves to throw things away in Walt Disney World.

We anticipate it will take a few days, but that all trash can lids will eventually return to their pre-COVID state. This is one health and safety measure we hoped would stick around for the long run, so we are disappointed to see this one come to an end.

Some trash cans also contain signage reminding Guests about the health and safety measures in place at Walt Disney World, such as keeping a distance of 6 feet from other Guests and wearing face coverings. Some of these signs are being removed from trash cans, while others remain.

Could this be in anticipation of further relaxation of safety protocols? Only time will tell, but stay up to date with Kenny the Pirate for all news about changes in Disney World!

Do you think Disney should permanently keep trash can lids propped open, or is this a positive change? Let us know your thoughts on Kenny the Pirate’s Facebook page, or join our crew and continue the discussion!

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Tuesday 11th of May 2021

They could leave them propped open. They change the garbage so often that they don't give off a smell, which is the primary reason for lib closing. I suppose it also keeps some of birds and small animals for dumpster diving too.

Cherie Gritsch

Tuesday 11th of May 2021

Keep them propped open! Who wants to touch the lid?


Tuesday 11th of May 2021

Well, shoot. That was one COVID change I would have loved to keep


Tuesday 11th of May 2021

I thought I was the only one who LOVED the trash cans being propped open. Let’s keep them that way!

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