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RUMOR: PizzeRizzo could be closing soon

RUMOR:  PizzeRizzo could be closing soon

PizzeRizzo opened in 2016 as a re-theme for what was Pizza Planet.  It offered almost the exact same food and has been widely panned by Disney World guests for offering the same pizza found elsewhere in the park.  It could be closing soon.

According to a Disboards rumor post, some Cast Members are hearing that PizzeRizzo could be closing in late October, 2018.  If it were to occur, it could merely be for a change of menu or it could involve another re-theme.

Thematically, it fits into the Muppets courtyard, but Star Tours is right beside it and will be disconnected from Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge when it opens late next year.  Is it possible that they will try to bring that area into the Star Wars theme?

The rumor seems plausible because the restaurant is tucked back into a very empty area with little guest flow and has light sales numbers from the overly expensive pizza.  My son always enjoyed this type of Disney World pizza, but I found it to be overly bready and I don’t really care for the sauce as it has no definitive flavor.  Most guests head to Muppets late in the day, only to find PizzeRizzo is already closed anyway.   At least they were honest when they stated “It’s rat pizza!”

From an armchair imagineering perspective, it seems that the entire area could be removed and re-themed at some point.  Many guests love Muppets 3D because it is Jim Henson’s final work, but it has very light attendance almost every day of the year.

This is merely a rumor at this time, but what do you think of PizzeRizzo possibly closing?  Will you like new food options like Satuli Canteen, or a re-theme?

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Sunday 14th of October 2018

Love what it is today. As of now, this is just a rumor. Hope that is all that it turns out to be. They need longer hours.


Sunday 14th of October 2018

It's already gone to "seasonal" closing. Not just a rumor

Melissa (@hells_mells)

Saturday 6th of October 2018

Ever since Toy Story Land opened, the park seems much more packed, and the Muppet area which used to be a very quiet place is now almost always populated. I wouldn’t mind a change in menu at PizzeRizzo but I would like to see the Muppets theming stay.


Saturday 6th of October 2018

PizzeRizzo will close "seasonally". But I've not noticed the area being any more busy than it was last summer.


Thursday 27th of September 2018

Won't be too sad to see it go. I've tried to eat there numerous times, only to find that it closes at a seemingly random time each day.

Barbie Jones

Tuesday 25th of September 2018

Time for a major change in both theme and menu. Muppet show has gotta go.


Wednesday 26th of September 2018

I love the Muppet show! I can think of a lot of other things that should go.


Tuesday 25th of September 2018

I’m happy for it to go. Maybe it’s the New Yorker in me, but the pizza is gross (and i love theme park food, not a fancy eater over here). The Muppet show is very outdated. I get the nostalgia, but my family finds it boring. I also think they need to do something with the Muppet 3D building as it has had a terrible smell the last few times we went to see it. I agree with another poster though- not everything has to be Star Wars- a complete reimagining of the space would be welcome by me (we still hated the food, but we did like the Pizza Planet theme before this change).


Tuesday 25th of September 2018

It's true that it is nothing like New York pizza

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