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Walt Disney World Gondolas will NOT offer Air Conditioning

Walt Disney World Gondolas will NOT offer Air Conditioning

Doppelmayr, the company building the Walt Disney World Gondola system, has confirmed at the European IAAPA convention that the Gondolas will NOT offer Air Conditioning.

In a place that regularly sees temperatures in the upper 90’s with humidity levels that can top 85% when it isn’t raining, a Gondola system with no air conditioning system seems to make no sense.

Doppelmayr has stated that the air will “circulate” in the Disney character themed gondolas to be known as the Skyliner.  Even if a fan were blowing, it seems like a poor choice of construction to not offer an air conditioning system in Walt Disney World.

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Saturday 28th of September 2019

So these things don’t have A/C because there isn’t any power to the cars. The Imagineers claim the cars when moving will be 10 degrees cooler than the outside air temp. Here is the real rub. If this breaks down for any reason the only way down is Disney calling Reedy Creek Fire Dept. Once they are on scene they can evacuate one car in about 30-35 minutes. That’s right 30 minutes for one car. Then they have to move their equipment to the next car and start the whole process over again. So the EPCOT line has about 120 cars and the hotel line has about 70. So you do the math on how long it will take to evacuate just one line. Apparently this is okay with Disney because the put survival packs under the seats in the cars with water and bags to relieve yourself in and assorted other things. All while you bake in the Florida sun. In addition if there is lightening within 10 miles of the area the fire department can’t use their aerial equipment so that’s even longer you will be waiting. Good luck if you are brave enough to ride it because you won’t catch me on it.


Tuesday 20th of November 2018

Good God people. Will the EE in this group who has the technology to keep an enclosed cable car wil 8-10 people in it cool on a 100 degree day PLEASE stand up?

No. didn't think there was anyone here, because the technology to do this safely DOES NOT EXIST! Now, stop your whining and either get the education needed to develop this, or just don't ride them.


Tuesday 20th of November 2018

It’s simply amazing how many fools with make excuses for Disney when they obviously don’t care about your confort! This was only built to push more people into the parks as cheaply as possible! AC exists for these and they could of included it! These don’t because they don’t care!

I hope those who keep praising this terrible idea enjoy it when it’s in the 90’s and humid out side! The whole “air flow will keep you cool” isn’t going to happen! You’ll all see and I’ll be laughing!


Wednesday 26th of September 2018

So stupid, who is going to ride this in the Florida heat? Awful idea to go without air conditioning!


Wednesday 26th of September 2018

LOL, that's hilarious! I live in FL, about an hour drive away so I know how hot it is at all those parks. Unless we get snow here no one will have to worry about waiting in line to ride in one. I guess it's just another way for Disney to not have to spend the extra money. Go figure.

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