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Disney World reduces Annual Pass holder dining discount but adds more locations

Disney World reduces Annual Pass holder dining discount but adds more locations

As a part of Walt Disney World’s 45th Anniversary Celebration, the resort offered a 20% discount at 45 select dining locations to its Annual Passholders.  That discount expired December 23, 2017 and it being replaced with a new program.  Here’s the details:

Effective immediately, Annual Passholders will now receive a 10% discount on food and non-alcoholic beverages at all Walt Disney World owned TABLE service restaurants and dinner shows with the exclusion of Victoria and Albert’s through December 31, 2018

The offer is provided to the passholder and up to 3 guests with no black-out dates.  There is no mention of discounts for counter service locations.

What do you think about this change?

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Friday 29th of December 2017

If the average family can't afford Disney why are there so many more people in the parks every day of the year? Would you rather they charged less and then get locked out when you want to go to visit because they're at full capacity. Disney is just keeping up with their popularity and what it cost for them to make amazing new experiences in the Parks. We may have to save for the things we really want to do and a Disney vacation is a luxury I'm willing to save up for.

Anne Beebe

Thursday 28th of December 2017

When we bought our Annual Passes it was so we could save money for entering the parks (we try to go a couple of times a year), anything else is a bonus. The 20% discount, along with the extra month, was meant to celebrate their anniversary, nothing else. We enjoyed the extras but knew it was temporary. In my opinion Disney doesn’t owe me anything else, they are a business who has given options for all. No one is making anyone eat at the parks, bring your own food. For US the annual pass is still a great deal for park entrance. And probably some of those who feel 10% isn’t worth it are among those who complain that Disney doesn’t do anyrhing for them.


Thursday 28th of December 2017

This. DVC is the same way and it drives me bananas. Disney is still delivering exactly what you paid for–unlimited park admission for the number of days allotted by your plan or resort stays that match the number of you allotted annual points. Anything beyond that is a bonus, a gift for your loyalty. I had one year where I set out to maximize my AP and DVC usage. I got 35 park Days out of that AP and it cost me roughly $7/day factoring in the cost of 1 memory maker, a perk that is included. The real cost of the points that used that year made my hotel rooms come out to about $100/night, meaning I was staying at deluxe resorts, in some instances in 1 or 2 bedroom rooms, for less than I could have stayed at Pop on cash. How can I say that Disney owes me anything else or that it owes me more than it owes the vacation package guest who is dropping $5000 on their once in a lifetime trip? 20% was announced as a limited time offer and to be honest, I never seemed to hit the restaurants where it was offered. Now it’s 10% on ALL Disney owned table service? For me, that’s better. If I chose 4 restaurants under the old plan and only one of them offered 20%, but under the new plan, 3 of them offer 10%, then I’m better off than I was before. Disney’s expensive. All premium entertainment is. Going to a baseball game to see my home team play is about a $100 investment for 3 hours of fun and it’s only that cheap when I get a comped ticket. People who complain about price increases confuse me. The cost of everything will continue to increase every year. When prices fall (based on CPI, not indivdual prices of things), we are likely in economic depression. That is not a situation that we should ever hope for.

Terry L Morgan

Thursday 28th of December 2017

I admire your comment


Thursday 28th of December 2017

I understand where everyone is coming from on this matter but to be honest you are spending the taxes on the food anyways whether discounted or not, the 20% discount was only supposed to be offered for a short time anyways so we are lucky we are getting anything. The point of annual passes are so that you can go to disney as much as you like for a fraction of the cost. I own the most expensive pass you can get and i renew it yr after yr but i dont blame disney on how much i spend there. It is our choice as humans to spend our money and to patron the restaurants and merchandise. I dont complain about prices bc its no different from any other theme park or experience out there, you are paying for a premium experience. If you dont like the reduction and decide to not patron disney that is your choice but I personally think its a fair move by disney and I will be returning for years to come!

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