The stage show known as Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away was scheduled to be closed for a short time while they implemented a mobile stage format, but issues with that format has created an additional delay.
Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away will now return on July 2, 2017 to Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Management wanted a mobile stage platform similar to what the old High School Musical offered, but the idea didn’t work out, so the old permanent stage will be rebuilt.
It’s really ashamed that this concept didn’t work because that stage is a giant eyesore in front of what would otherwise be gorgeous view of the Chinese Theater. It also blocks the view of the projections for the nightly Star Wars Fireworks.
During the hiatus some of the characters will continue to roam the area in order to guard, well, nothing. Boba Fett and Darth Maul have each been spotted recently and occasionally posed for photos.
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