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Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour – March 14, 2018

Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour – March 14, 2018
Arrive Animal Kingdom
Park opening was 8:00am
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Times Guide Front
Times Guide Back
I was among the first in line for Navi River Journey, but it had delayed opening, so I bailed
1. Dino Sue
“Take photo with this Tyrannosaurus Rex.”
2. Dinosaur
Posted Wait 5
In Line 8:11
On Ride 8:17
Off Ride 8:22
3. Primeval Whirl
Posted Wait 5
In Line 8:24
On Ride 8:28
Off Ride 8:34
4. Triceratop Spin
Posted Wait 5
In Line 8:34
On Ride 8:35
Off Ride 8:38
5. Fossil Fun Game
“Play any game once. Extra cost.”
Arrived 8:38
Departed 8:39
I won!
6. Cretaceous Trail
“Travel full trail. Take photo with dinosaur.”
Begin 8:40
End 8:41
7. DiVine
“View for 5 minutes.”
Arrived 8:47
Departed 8:52
8. Oasis Exhibits
“Take photo with 1 animal”
Wilderness Explorers
Badge #1
9. Pocahontas
Arrived 8:56
Departed 9:12
10. Russell
Arrived 9:17
Departed 9:22
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Wilderness Explorers
Badge #2
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
11. Winged Encounters
“View full show”
Arrived 9:30
Departed 9:37
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
12. Expedition Everest
Posted Wait 60
Used Fastpass+ 
In Line 9:44
On Ride 9:49
Off Ride 9:54
13. Donald Duck
Arrived 9:58
Departed 10:03
Donald Duck
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
14. Wilderness Explorers
Badge #3 – Completed
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
15. The Boneyard
Take photo in Jeep or ride a slide. Also take photo with exposed bone at Mammoth Dig Site.
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
15. The Boneyard
Take photo in Jeep or ride a slide. Also take photo with exposed bone at Mammoth Dig Site.
16. Goofy and Pluto
Arrived 10:19
Departed 10:38
Goofy and Pluto Autographs
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
17. Kora Tinga Tinga
“View for 5 Minutes”
Arrive 10:44
Depart 10:50
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
18. Tam Tam Drummers of Harambe
“Watch for 5 minutes”
Arrive 11:00
Depart 11:05
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Wildlife Express Train to Rafiki’s Planet Watch
Ride to and from Rafiki’s Planet Watch.
In Line 11:06
On Ride 11:08
Off Ride 11:13
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
19. Habitat Habit
“Take photo with animal or display.”
20. Doc McStuffins
Arrive 11:16
Depart 11:26
Doc McStuffins Autograph
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
21. Affection Section
“Pet 1 animal”
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
22. It All Started with a Mouse
“View full show”
Arrived 11:30
Departed 11:58
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
23. Animal Kingdom Encounters Up-Close Interactions
“View Full Show”
Arrived 12:00
Departed 12:06
24. Rafiki
Arrived 12:08
Departed 12:10
Rafiki Autograph
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
25. Conservation Station Listen to full Song of the Rainforest audio. And for 10 minutes total explore the other exhibits, surgeries, and animals here.
Arrive 12:11
Depart 12:26
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Conservation Station
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Conservation Station
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Conservation Station
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
26. Wildlife Express Train
In Line 12:28
On Ride 12:29
Off Ride 12:34
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
27 Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail
“Travel full trail. Take photo in gorilla area and with 1 other animal.
Arrived 12:35
Departed 12:46
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
28. Avatar – Flight of Passage
Posted Wait 180
Used Fastpass+
In Line 12:55
On Ride 1:25
Off Ride 1:32
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
29. Finding Nemo the Musical
“View full show”
In Line 1:45
On Ride 2:00
Off Ride 2:40
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
30. Viva Gaia Band
“View for 5 minutes”
Arrived 3:00
Departed 3:06
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
31 Kali River Rapids
Posted Wait 50
Used Fastpass+
In line 3:11
On ride 3:39
Off ride 3:48
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
31. Maharajah Jungle Trek
“Travel full trail. Take photo in tiger area and with 1 other animal.”
Arrived 3:50
Departed 3:58
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Maharajah Jungle Trek
33. Baloo and King Louie
Arrived 4:05
Departed 4:25
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Baloo Autograph
34. Flik
Arrived 4:30
Departed 4:36
35. Timon
Arrived 4:38
Departed 4:43
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Flik Autograph
Timon Autograph
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
36. Burudika Band
“View for 5 Minutes”
Arrived 4:45
Departed 4:50
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
37. Discovery Island Carnivale
“Party for 5 Minutes”
Arrived 5;00
Departed 5:07
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
38. Harambe Village Acrobats
“View for 5 minutes”
Arrived 5:10pm
Departed 5:15pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
39. Karibu Sisters
“View for 5 minutes”
Arrived 5:17pm
Departed 5:22pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
40. Festival of the Lion King
In Line 5:30pm
On Ride 6:00pm
Off Ride 6:31pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
41. Kilimanjaro Safaris
Posted Wait 75
Used Fastpass+
In line 6:35pm
On Ride 6:42pm
Off Ride 7:12pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
42. Navi River Journey
Posted Wait 120
Used Fastpass+
In Line 7:22pm
On Ride 7:31pm
Off Ride 7:41pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
43. Valley of Moara
“Enjoy for 10 minutes. Take 3 photos.”
Arrived 7:43pm
Departed 7:53pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
43. Valley of Moara
“Enjoy for 10 minutes. Take 3 photos.”
Arrived 7:43pm
Departed 7:53pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
43. Valley of Moara
“Enjoy for 10 minutes. Take 3 photos.”
Arrived 7:43pm
Departed 7:53pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
44. Pandora Drummers – Swotu Waya
“View for 5 minutes”
Arrived 8:00pm
Departed 8:05pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
45. Tree of Life Awakenings
“See one showing of The Awakening”
Arrived 8:10pm
Departed 8:14pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
46. Rivers of Light
“View full show”
Used Fastpass+
In line 8:30pm
On Ride 8:45pm
Off Ride 9:02pm
Rivers of Light
47. Mickey and Minnie
Posted Wait 15
Arrived 9:10pm
Departed 9:18pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Mickey and Minnie Autograph
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
48. Discovery Island Trails
“Travel a trail and take photo adjacent to Tree of Life carved animal. (No photos from a distance.)”
Arrived 9:19pm
Departed 9:22pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
49. It’s Tough to Be a Bug
“View full show”
Posted Wait 5
In line 9:23pm
On ride 9:31pm
Off ride 9:40pm
Animal Kingdom Ultimate Tour
Clock out 9:42pm

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