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A Popular Snack Has Returned to Disney World

A Popular Snack Has Returned to Disney World

A fan-favorite snack is FINALLY back in Walt Disney World. See how you can find this awesome treat.

Disney Snacks

Credit: Maggie

One of the best things about Walt Disney World is finding a snack you absolutely adore. I am talking about the kind of snack you crave when you are back home.

Of course, this is also one of the WORST things about Walt Disney World, especially if you live too far away to just hop to the parks and grab your favorite snack whenever you are craving it. And of course, an even more terrible thing is when you head back to Walt Disney World with the hope and dream of enjoying your favorite Disney treat only to find that you can’t find it at all.

Life’s not fair. Is it? (Did you read that in Scar’s voice?). Alas, such is the circle of Disney Snack life.

The Snack Has Returned

Credit: Katie

If this has happened to you recently, we may have some good news. A VERY popular long-lost snack has returned.

The CRONUT is back! If you have been missing all the sugary, flakey goodness that comes along with it, you are in luck because you can enjoy it once again.

If you are wondering “What on EARTH is a Cronut,” we have answers! First of all, you should know that Disney doesn’t officially call it a Cronut. Disney World calls it a “Croissant Doughnut.”

Credit: Disney Eats

Regardless of what they call it, it’s delicious. It is as if someone had a cinnamon doughnut in one hand and a croissant in the other and smashed the two together into pastry perfection.

If you have not tried one, and you like pastries, you are going to want to find one on your next trip.

Where You Can Find It

Credit: Maggie

I (Katie) have personally not had a Cornut since Electric Umbrella closed. However, now you can order one of your own in EPCOT at Connections Cafe. It returned yesterday (August 16, 2023), and it should be around tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow and hopefully for all of the tomorrows after those, too!

The CRONUT is BACK at Connections Cafe.

Have you had a Cronut yet? Let us know in the comments. And, be sure to share the story with friends who are planning a visit so that they don’t miss out!

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