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34 characters met at one Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party

34 characters met at one Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party

At the September 11, 2016 Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party I set out to do something I hadn’t tried before.  I wanted to meet every unique character and character in a special costume at the party.  Here’s how I did and some news for those planning to attend a party!

I wanted to see if was possible to accomplish my goal of meeting every character and creating a new plan for Character Locator subscribers that would allow them to follow the plan to meet characters.  There’s a lot of great detail on there and many terrific plans already, but hey, I can always create another fun one!

Here’s some of just the Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party plans on Character Locator:

  • Adventure Plan
  • Little Ones Plan
  • Villains Plan
  • List from which to create your own plan
  • Plan with a focus on rides and candy
  • Plan with a focus on shows, parades, fireworks and some rides

Most of my plans on Character Locator include viewing the fireworks, parade and special shows and such because they are a major portion of the party’s unique feel.  But what about the character crazed fan who just wants to meet as many as possible?

I arrived a little later than I wanted as I parked at the TTC at 3:45pm, when I could have been entering the party then.  I boarded the monorail at 4:00pm and I was in the park at 4:10pm.  This year they aren’t handing out candy bags as you enter, so you have to go to Jungle Cruise, Buzz Lightyear or Philharmagic to pick them up.  The Cast Member was distributing the Sorcerer’s of the Magic Kingdom card as you enter.

Here’s the characters I met and don’t forget you get the detailed plan with times and what order and such with your Character Locator subscription!  It’s called the “KtP’s Extreme Halloween Party Plan”  If none of the formatted plans help you find the exact options you want, you can submit a request for me to create a Custom Plan on Character Locator as well now!

Aladdin and Abu

Aladdin continues to meet in his “Street Rat” costume at the party.  He has changed to his “Prince” costume at Epcot, but not here for the parties.  Abu was fascinated with my gold ring, but couldn’t easily remove it from my fat finger.  I was incognito, but many wonderful readers greeted me at the party and we took a few selfies together.

aladdin-and-abu-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 aladdin-and-abu-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party


Captain Jack Sparrow

It’s “Captain” Jack!  We discussed what type of ship I use for pirating and how I have 3 extra deck hands at home.  He said he’d take the boy as Elizabeth caused him a great deal of distress in the past.
captain-jack-sparrow-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 captain-jack-sparrow-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party


Cruella de Vil

Cruella is always a lot of fun.  Some see her as villanous, but she seemed super nice to me.  She does enjoy having her photo taken and discussing what type of puppy one owns.  I’m safe as we have a Bichopoo.cruella-de-vil-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 cruella-de-vil-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party


Donald and Daisy

Donald and Daisy are in the same queue line as Minnie Mouse, but take a separate photo than Minnie.  Donald was really hyped up this evening.  He must have been snagging some candy from the trick or treaters.  He is always fun.  Daisy was especially sassy and had to put him in his place.donald-duck-and-daisy-duck-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016


Eeyore, Piglet, Tigger and Winnie the Pooh

They have some awesome costumes, right?  They are quite a tough meet and greet though.  They are really popular and only appear at specific times, so you have to line up early or you’ll miss the cut.eeyore-piglet-tigger-and-winnie-the-pooh-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 eeyore-piglet-tigger-and-winnie-the-pooh-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-with-kennythepirate

Instead of signing autographs, they hand out these special collectible cards that you could add to your memory book.  I wish all the characters at the party would do this.  It keeps the line moving and allows the guest more little treats for their bags.



Gaston and Belle

Neither of these characters are special in terms of being unique or special costuming, but I wanted to meet them so I could get a couple of nice photos of them together.  We never see them together at Walt Disney World, except on stage.  One of the benefits of using Character Locator is the ability to view the full schedules 24 hours a day 7 days a week, so you’d know how late they stay out to meet guests.

The eyes tell the storygaston-and-belle-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party

It was sooo humid that my ears were sweating.  I feel sorry for Belle having to be so kind to me with sweat dripping off my arm.  She is always so nice.



Goofy isn’t unique.  He wears this costume daily at Magic Kingdom.  I just stopped to meet him because he is my favorite character growing up and there was no line.goofy-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016

I was told that mimicing the character brings symetry to the photo.goofy-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-with-kennythepirate

Jack Skellington and Sally

Jack and Sally are so popular at EVERY party that their line is often cut off early.  On this night, the line had been cut by 10pm at least, it may have been earlier.   Follow my tips on Character Locator and you’ll be way ahead of the game!jack-and-sally-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 jack-and-sally-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party

They also do not sign autographs to keep the line moving and offer you this special card with their forever dying love.jack-and-sally-autograph-card-2016-back jack-and-sally-autograph-card-2016-front jack-and-sally-meet-2 jack-and-sally-meet jack-and-sally-with-kennythepirate


Jafar and I always compare goatees.  I grew mine out a little longer for the meet.  Maybe I’ll keep letting it grow and visit him for one of the last parties.  I might need to dye mine though.  It’s making me look old these days.jafar-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 jafar-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party


Jasmine and Genie

Jasmine continues to wear her new dress at all meet and greets in Disney World.  I kind of feel sorry for her because the new dress wasn’t received well and photos of it with complaints are all over the interwebs these days.  She is a gracious person and a pleasure to meet.  And you get Genie too!jasmine-and-genie-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 jasmine-and-genie-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party


Lotso Huggin Bear

How can a villain be so cute and cuddly?  I wanted to see if he still smelled like strawberry, but with all the human sweat from the hugs, it was hard to discern.  Can you think of another villain you’d cuddle with while he plots your overthrow?lotso-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 lotso-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party


Mickey Mouse

When I met him, he was still chatting away, but others said he had moments where he wasn’t as talkative.  He changes to this costume at 7pm promptly and you must be wearing your party bracelet to meet him this way.  Before 7pm he wears his tuxedo.mickey-mouse-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 mickey-mouse-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-with-kennythepirate

Minnie Mouse

She shares a queue with Donald and Daisy, but has her own photo spot.  If you are wondering if a character autographs or offers photopass, those details along with interaction tips are on Character Locator too!minnie-mouse-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 minnie-mouse-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party


Queen of Hearts with the Tweedles

On this evening the Queen of Hearts was only appearing for 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off.  She is supposed to appear the entire time the Tweedles are out, but things do happen some times.  The Cast Member was nearing the cut to bring her back from croquet and asked who wished to wait for her.  The line went from maybe 6 families for Tweedles alone to a solid 30 minutes very quickly.  Why can’t we return to a few years ago and make all the villains available?  Post signs that tell people how long the wait will be and don’t listen to those who whine about it.  I’d wait 4 hours for a special character, if need be.queen-of-hearts-and-tweedles-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-2016 queen-of-hearts-and-tweedles-at-mickeys-not-so-scary-halloween-party-with-kennythepirate

Seven Dwarfs

This thought will likely not be very popular, but it’s my thought, so I’ll share it.  Why don’t we make the Dwarfs Christmas Party exclusive and add 7 villians instead???  The Dwarfs are a nice photo opportunity, but there’s not much interaction.  They don’t offer autographs or a special card.

I think Mickey’s camera came out a little dark, huh?seven-dwarfs-with-kennythepirate

Tarzan, Jane and Terk

When I arrived Terk was out.  Shortly before it was my turn she left for a moment to grab some bananas.  I was fortunate that she had returned in time for the meet.  The family in front of me met them all as well. This is always a fun meet as you have 3 different personalities in one meet.




In all I was able to meet 34 characters in 15 queues in a single night.   Again, on this night I had no intention of watching the parade, shows or fireworks.  The plan on Character Locator is just for those who want to try to meet them as well.

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Wednesday 24th of October 2018

We went this year. Got to meet Tarzan Group, Jafar, Lotso, Briar Rabbit, and Merida. Another in our party met Jack and Sally. I think you are missing some. I believe Moana and Elvis Stitch are there also. As for the Dwarfs, would have loved to meet them but ran out of time. I see your point as a regular, but meeting the Dwarfs would have been cool and it’s not like we go every year. Probably our only time going.


Sunday 25th of September 2016

You claim that Cruella was pretty nice, but if you really want to have some fun, say something like, "Why would you steal puppies!? You should know better." This works best on characters without masks.


Wednesday 21st of September 2016

Hi Kenny, how late does Capt. Jack meet at the party?


Wednesday 21st of September 2016

Character Locator is correct. Feel free to use chat on there for questions as well.

Erin Ledyard

Saturday 17th of September 2016

It was awesome meeting you that night in line for the Seven Dwarfs. Thanks for all the tips and tricks! Led to a great vacation :)


Sunday 18th of September 2016

Glad you had a great time!


Friday 16th of September 2016

I know you said Mickey changes into his Halloween outfit right at 7pm, but I know fast passes end at 7pm. Do you think if I got in the fast pass line at like 6:55pm with a party band, that I would get to see him in his Halloween tux, or would he meet the last few in the regular line before he changes? (I hope this question makes sense!) Thanks!!


Friday 16th of September 2016

Fp ends 6:30pm. and anyone that enters before 7pm will meet regular Mickey. Anyone after 7pm must have party wristbands.

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