I entered the Magic Kingdom about 5:30 PM and went to check out the old Mickey meet first. I noticed that Mickey is still supplying unconnected Fastpasses (you can get Mickey Fastpass and any other at the same time). The Princess FP machines were closed because they were moved to Fantasyland, as I discussed yesterday.

No more external signs of Princesses here. Mickey’s wait has actually been higher than normal lately.

Princess rooms CLOSED. Go to Fantasyland!!! Rumors have said that Fairies might move in there. Zarina the Pirate Fairy is supposed to join the rotation next spring. I may spend every weekend just meeting Zarina over and over and over.

These super nice Alabama fans asked me to take their photo with an iphone. I asked if I could shoot it with my camera and post it here too. Roll Tide!

This was the line for the special Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom party exclusive card. There was a similar line in Liberty Square. Evidently they needed to be restocked.

It’s 5:36 PM. This is the line for Jack Skellington and Sally. GET IN LINE NOW! Don’t wait until later in the party or you’ll wait 1 1/2 hours or more during the party. The benefit of lining up early is getting it over as the party starts. Magic Kingdom entertainment made a great decision and brought them out at 7:00 PM even though the schedule said 7:30 PM this evening. Good show!
EuroRob and I wanted to be among the first to experience Fairytale Hall during a party, so we headed for the Rapunzel and Flynn Rider line. It was REALLY confusing. Previously, they allowed a standy by line to form off to the side and then after all the day guests were flushed from the line, the party guests would line up to meet the Princes with their Princesses. We knew Flynn would be super popular, so we lined for him first. After a few minutes of confusing, Melissa and Ryan worked through the line assisting day guests who wanted to meet Princesses while the rest of us stayed in line for the Princes. I like to see Disney respond when things aren’t working 100%. We ended up waiting like 25 minutes, but it didn’t bother us because we were there to have fun, not to try to meet every character imaginable.

Eugene, umm Flynn, is a super cool guy. He remembered me from last year’s party. I couldn’t imagine how? There has to be thousands of costumes like mine in the local Tarjay or We B Toys locations!

I asked “The Prince” what his real name is and he told me his father the King just called him “Prince.” I asked if he could sing Purple Rain for me, but he seemed confused about what purple rain was. I told him he could probably sing like Enrique Iglesias and decided his name will forever be HENRY. So, there it is, I make a piratical proclamation that it’s Henry. Did Snow change her last name after marriage???

The costume works for Daisy, Donald, Goofy, Mickey etc…not as regal as I need for this new environment. I need my costuming staff to get busy. We’ll get in touch with them later in the party.
There was a considerable line forming for Cinderella, so we decided to come back right after the fireworks, which we watched from Fantasyland. We headed over to meet Goofy at the Barnstormer because I like unique locations, even when the character is in a familiar costume. We passed Donald and Daisy, who looked like they were planning a football play. The Photopass person didn’t know football and the only photo I got was the 8th Wonder of the World…the backside of Donald.

I thought it would be snazzy to get a pic with the sign behind him. I asked him to ride with us, but he’s a celebrity and has to pose for photos all night long. Stupid paparazzi, stupid energy!

Nice job on the Scream o Ween Ball stage! I’m glad they made the change from the same old character dance party. Well done!

The DJ dude was have a lot of fun. I think they were playing a Hannah Montana song. Don’t worry, it wasn’t a Miley Cyrus song, but the kid friendly version of her dual personality. This evidently is a Twerk free zone.

George Sanderson!!! Yes, there is a sock on his back. If you tell him, Andy will come and fall down at the dance party too.

He was kind enough to psuedo dance with me so I could get this great pic. I don’t actually dance, just psuedo dance. I’m on the wrong side again!!! I stink at this character locating!

It’s Mike with one E Wazowski! He’s kickin it old school, or is it new school because the new movie is older than the old movie. I’m so confused. He’s a blue collar punch the clock guy, just like me. He would make a good inspector. Does the guy use Visine?

Photobombed! I was trying really hard to take a photo of this lady staring off into the distance at the popcorn cart and Sulley jumped in the way of the pic. Way to go Jimmy, you ruined my perfect shot again. Stop smiling about it.
After leaving the Scream o Ween Ball, we journey to Town Square to catch the Creepa Crew and try to get my first EVER decent photo of the Headless Horseman. We also wanted to see if the internet rumors that meeting Jack and Sally during parades would provide good, or not so good advice for party guests.

8:14 PM and this is the line to meet Jack and Sally. Not my recommended time, but fit it into your schedule as you like. The character attendants said the line never dropped below 1 1/2 hours during this party and regularly required more than 2 hours.

Ladies, Gentlemen, Tourists, Friends and Travel Agents….It’s the Headless Horseman!
EuroRob tipped me off that the best place to get photos of him is Town Square at the gate because he has to wait for the gate to open.
- Jafar walking past in Town Square

Phineas and Ferb entertain with the Creeepa Crew after the Headless Horseman and before the parade on Main Street and again in Town Square.

This little girl had so much fun dancing with Ferb, that she needed to give him a big kiss. Pirate give the best ksses!

Mickey and Minnie are true fans of this little known blog! She tried to sign language to me, but I was clueless. EuroRob figured out the character charades for me. We are all Character Locators!

The Tremaine family mingled in behind the parade watchers and shouted at the passing floats. I loved this short time. It was true Disney Magic seeing them have fun and most of the parade guests were oblivious!
Can’t finish out the wonderful night yet, so I’ll pick up where I left off tomorrow! Hi ho, Hi ho! If like 50,000 people would go buy my app right now, I could quit working Four 10 hour shifts and focus my time on blurry photos, bad puns and inaccurate information. Call now and I’ll throw in a FREE Character Locator button! See ya real soon!
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Wednesday 2nd of October 2013
Trying to prioritize who to meet given we are going to both MNSSHP and MVMCP. I am also doing the Tower of Terror 10 so hopefully will get some Villians in at that event. Thoughts? I'm thinking that the Princesses/Princes may be best saved for MVMCP and focus instead on Jack and Sally, Characters in Halloween Costumes, (we got the Dwarfs last year so I wouldn't be too upset if we missed them this time - or even got them in Nov), Villans we miss at the ToT party.
Thursday 3rd of October 2013
You should see a number of great villains at Tower 10. Jack and Sally may hold over to mvmcp, but that hasn't been affirmed, so head to them first.
Friday 27th of September 2013
Kenny, hope you are able to get some sleep! I was wondering if you had any more info on Jack Sparrow - people ar saying he's coming our very late (as in 9) and I can't justify wasting half the party for one character, no matter how much my son loves him! We will be doing two parties, one this coming Thursday and again Sunday the 6th.
Saturday 28th of September 2013
Official schedule says 7, but he almost never arrives on time. Must be all the rum. I found him easiest to meet after the second parade, but there's still a line for him.
Thursday 26th of September 2013
Thanks so much for the post! Cant wait for the 2nd half. I absolutely love your shot of headless horseman! I'd love to go over there but then i'd miss him running and its our first party..but its tempting..guessing he must be at angle at the gate and not standing at the gate straight on..if that made sense lol. Were going on the 18th and hoping to have time for everything we want to do..but I know we wont. None of us have an interest in meeting Jack&Sully but would love the signature card..its a shame that there is no way to just to just go up to a CM for one instead of waiting lol.
Friday 27th of September 2013
He was turning circles
Thursday 26th of September 2013
Ur work days sound harsh!! Thanks for all this info, loving the site. 18 days til I get to put it all into practice!!
Friday 27th of September 2013
Just finished 50hrs on 5 tens overnight. Time for sleep :)
Wednesday 25th of September 2013
Kenny stop working & post the 2nd half of the night lol!! I have ur app too! Based on what u said I'm gonna do dwarves 1st thing one night (by 6pm) and Flynn @ 6pm the next night. My kids won't stay awake til the second parade so we have 2 party nights. Great posts as usual!
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