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Disney Moves To Find a Replacement for Bob Iger

Disney Moves To Find a Replacement for Bob Iger

After an already extended contract, the time is ticking for Bob Iger as CEO of the Walt Disney Company. Find out what big steps Disney made to help find his replacement.

Bob Iger’s Contract

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Credit: Donna

Bob Iger returned as Disney CEO back in November 2022. Many were hopeful that many issues would be addressed with the return of Bob Iger.

At first, Iger signed a contract for two years. His return was expected to be short, but he wanted to stay around long enough to help the board “succeed at succession”.

His contract later extended and he agreed to continue as CEO through December 31, 2026. Iger is ready to retire…again but desires a smooth transition for the upcoming CEO.

Big Update

CEO Bob Iger comments on the possible Apple/Disney merger AGAIN
Credit: MasterClass

Today, the Walt Disney Company announced that Board Member, James P. Gorman, will serve as chair for the Succession Planning Committee. Gorman just recently joined the Walt Disney Board earlier this year.

Former Succession Planning Committee Chair, Mark G. Parker, shares “James is a highly respected leader, and we’ve asked him to serve as the new Chari of the Succession Planning Committee given his deep succession planning experience and long-term strategic mentality.”

Parker and directors Mary T. Barra and Calvin R. McDonald will continue to serve on this committee. The committee was first formed in January 2023 and will continue working diligently to find the next CEO.

Looking to the Future

Former Disney CEO Backs Iger
Photo Credit: Walt Disney Company

The newly appointed James P. Gorman shares, “I look forward to working alongside Mark and my other fellow Committee members in advising the Board as we continue to press forward expeditiously with this work.”

Currently, the internal candidates are receiving external coaching, engagement with Board directors, and Bob Iger offers mentorship.

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Wednesday 21st of August 2024

The sooner the better. They need someone committed to Walt's vision ans who is willing to make the hard decisions to restore Walt's vision.


Thursday 22nd of August 2024

@RandyC, Yeah, sorry, not likely. Ford vs Dodge Brothers says no. James is gonna keep on making the quick buck for shareholders, at cost of all else. Park quality will continue its long decline, with exceptions for the little bumps when the new "wow" opens up. Entertainment content will likely be as uneven as ever, since there's no real incentive to try new things.

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