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Pros and Cons of Wishes and Parade Fastpass+ at the Magic Kingdom

Pros and Cons of Wishes and Parade Fastpass+ at the Magic Kingdom

I’m often asked if one should use Fastpass+ for viewing Wishes, Festival of Fantasy Parade and/or Main Street Electrical Parade.  “Is it worth it?” they ask.  I thought I’d provide you some information on viewing locations, pros and cons and my recommendations so you can make your decision.Pros and Cons of Wishes and Parade Fastpass+ at the Magic Kingdom

Wishes and parade Fastpass+ are often gone 30 days or more before your date of tour.

Where are the Fastpass+ locations for Wishes and parades in the Magic Kingdom?

Wishes – Fastpass+ locations are just in front of Casey Corner Hot Dogs and the Plaza Restaurant on the end of Main Street.  Each is an excellent viewing location for the fireworks.  My preferred fireworks location is marked on my map below.

Parades – The daytime and nighttime parades share the same location, but each requires a separate Fastpass+.  It is currently located in the center of Town Square at the Flag Pole.  It was held in front of the Castle at the hub for a while, but construction in the area caused it to be relocated.  You’ll find the Parade Fastpass location as the same point for Pluto and Marie below.

Magic Kingdom Character Location Map KennythePirate


  1. Guaranteed Spot
  2. Good viewing locations


  1. Uses up Fastpass+ by reserving at the end of the day
  2. Parade location is in direct sun for the daytime parade.  Not as big of a deal in winter months, but you’ll wait longer for the daytime parade to arrive
  3. You can only Fastpass the first parade
  4. You still have to stand to view Wishes

What does KtP recommend?

Wishes – I recommend arriving about 30 minutes early and standing in the middle of Main Street between Casey’s Corner Hot Dogs and the Castle Hub.  There’s a little ridge in the road that is the idea spot for Celebrate the Magic and Wishes, but anywhere along that area is ideal

Festival of Fantasy Parade – I recommend finding a shady spot in Frontierland 30 to 45 minutes before the parade.  If you use Fastpass+ and arrive 30 minutes early, you’ll spend at least 45 to 60 minutes baking in the sun before the first float arrives from Frontierland.

Main Street Electrical Parade – If there are 2 parades, you always come out best watching the second parade with little stress and you can enjoy some rides while others are at the first parade!  If there is only one parade and you choose not to use Fastpass+ for it, then find a suitable location along Main Street one hour early.  HOWEVER, there are often great spots left remaining in Town Square as little as 15 minutes before in front of Town Square Theater.  It’s a bit of a gamble waiting on that though.

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Thursday 26th of May 2016

Great post! any chance they may move the 3 o'clock parade FastPass+ back to being in front of the castle? construction is done after all right? Reserved it before realizing it moved and your article has me questioning the choice due to the wait and heat(Trip is in mid June)


Thursday 26th of May 2016

Even at Castle you'll still be in sun. I haven't heard of any plans to move it


Thursday 21st of April 2016

I'm just wondering a few things. First i know they don't let you overlapp times for fast passes so if I were to book at FP for wishes what's the latest my FP before that could be scheduled? Second I saw someone mention that they were taking it away... And if that's the case then my question is irrelevant lol. Thanks.


Thursday 21st of April 2016

Wishes is gone. Electrical Parade goes away next month


Monday 14th of March 2016

I know you said wishes fast pass isn't necessary but anytime I didn't have a fast pass we end up in a sea of people and the kids can't see the castle show. It is soooo much more relaxing with the fast pass. You can sit down and enjoy the show with your family.

Wednesday 30th of March 2016

HI new to this & little tech challenged. I am considering using a fast pass for the 9pm EP June 1st. As we will not arrive at our hotel until 4 pm that day and i dont feel i will waste fast passes since we only have a half day. Is the FP location for the parade good for viewing wishes . Will I allowed to remain in this spot.


Monday 14th of March 2016

Sit? Last time I used Wishes fp, they made us all stand


Monday 14th of March 2016

FASTPASSES FOR WISHES FIREWORKS END IN APRIL 2016. (Not sure if the exact date.) I made my FASTPASSES last night for my May '16 trip, and wishes FASTPASSES weren't on the options list. I Called WDW with some questions, and they informed me about the wishes FASTPASSES ending this April. I asked who could sit in the new fenced in garden areas, and was told, "anybody."


Sunday 13th of March 2016


in July '15 we used fast passes for both the 9pm parade and the 10pm wishes. Both were in the new garden, on the side towards Tomorrowland. Parade viewing wasn't the best from here. We then realized the parade FP+ group in the garden wasn't asked to vacate before the wishes fireworks. We wasted a fastpass on the fireworks, when we could have just used the parade fast pass for both. Is the Elecctrical parade FP+ still in the same viewing area? Do they now make you vacate the new courtyard area after the parade, to allow the wishes FP+ uses to come in? Big Thanks!


Sunday 13th of March 2016

Parade fp is currently in town square and wishes is in garden. Hadn't ever see them try parade fp from there. Would be terrible view. Used to be at Castle


Friday 26th of February 2016

Sorry - newbie here...I have a FP reserved for the EP for our April you recommend trying to get one for Wishes also or do you feel I don't really need one for Wishes?


Friday 26th of February 2016

Wishes is unnecessary

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